

  • Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R
  • Google Chrome:Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R
  • Edge:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5
// <nowiki>
 * A library full of lots of goodness for user scripts on MediaWiki wikis, including Wikipedia.
 * The highlights include:
 * - {@link} - make calls to the MediaWiki API
 * - {@link} - modify pages on the wiki (edit, revert, delete, etc.)
 * - {@link} - enhanced date object processing, sort of a light moment.js
 * - {@link Morebits.quickForm} - generate quick HTML forms on the fly
 * - {@link Morebits.simpleWindow} - a wrapper for jQuery UI Dialog with a custom look and extra features
 * - {@link Morebits.status} - a rough-and-ready status message displayer, used by the classes
 * - {@link Morebits.wikitext} - utilities for dealing with wikitext
 * - {@link Morebits.string} - utilities for manipulating strings
 * - {@link Morebits.array} - utilities for manipulating arrays
 * - {@link Morebits.ip} - utilities to help process IP addresses
 * Dependencies:
 * - The whole thing relies on jQuery.  But most wikis should provide this by default.
 * - {@link Morebits.quickForm}, {@link Morebits.simpleWindow}, and {@link Morebits.status} rely on the "morebits.css" file for their styling.
 * - {@link Morebits.simpleWindow} and {@link Morebits.quickForm} tooltips rely on jQuery UI Dialog (from ResourceLoader module name 'jquery.ui').
 * - To create a gadget based on morebits.js, use this syntax in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition:
 *     - `*GadgetName[ResourceLoader|dependencies=mediawiki.user,mediawiki.util,mediawiki.Title,jquery.ui]|morebits.js|morebits.css|GadgetName.js`
 * - Alternatively, you can configure morebits.js as a hidden gadget in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition:
 *     - `*morebits[ResourceLoader|dependencies=mediawiki.user,mediawiki.util,mediawiki.Title,jquery.ui|hidden]|morebits.js|morebits.css`
 *     and then load ext.gadget.morebits as one of the dependencies for the new gadget.
 * All the stuff here works on all browsers for which MediaWiki provides JavaScript support.
 * This library is maintained by the maintainers of Twinkle.
 * For queries, suggestions, help, etc., head to [Wikipedia talk:Twinkle on English Wikipedia](
 * The latest development source is available at {@link|GitHub}.
 * @namespace Morebits

(function (window, document, $) { // Wrap entire file with anonymous function

	/** @lends Morebits */
	var Morebits = {};
	window.Morebits = Morebits;  // allow global access
	// zhwiki: No Morebits.i18n at this time
	 * Wiki-specific configurations for Morebits
	Morebits.l10n = {
		 * Local aliases for "redirect" magic word.
		 * Check using api.php?action=query&format=json&meta=siteinfo&formatversion=2&siprop=magicwords
		redirectTagAliases: ['#REDIRECT', '#重定向'],
		 * Takes a string as argument and checks if it is a timestamp or not
		 * If not, it returns null. If yes, it returns an array of integers
		 * in the format [year, month, date, hour, minute, second]
		 * which can be passed to Date.UTC()
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @returns {number[] | null}
		signatureTimestampFormat: function (str) {
			// YYYY年Month月DD日 (w) HH:mm (UTC)
			var rgx = /(\d{4})年(\d{1,2})月(\d{1,2})日 \(.\) (\d{2}):(\d{2}) \(UTC\)/;
			var match = rgx.exec(str);
			if (!match) {
				return null;
			// ..... year .... month ... date .... hour ... minute
			return [match[1], match[2] - 1, match[3], match[4], match[5]];
	 * Simple helper function to see what groups a user might belong.
	 * @param {string} group - e.g. `sysop`, `extendedconfirmed`, etc.
	 * @returns {boolean}
	Morebits.userIsInGroup = function (group) {
		return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').indexOf(group) !== -1;
	/** Hardcodes whether the user is a sysop, used a lot.
	 * @type {boolean}
	Morebits.userIsSysop = Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop');
	 * Deprecated as of February 2021, use {@link Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6}.
	 * @deprecated Use {@link Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6}.
	 * Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki.
	 * JavaScript translation of the {@link|`IP::sanitizeIP()`}
	 * function from the IPUtils library.  Addresses are verbose, uppercase,
	 * normalized, and expanded to 8 words.
	 * @param {string} address - The IPv6 address, with or without CIDR.
	 * @returns {string}
	Morebits.sanitizeIPv6 = function (address) {
		console.warn('NOTE: Morebits.sanitizeIPv6 was renamed to Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6 in February 2021, please use that instead'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
		return Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6(address);
	 * Determines whether the current page is a redirect or soft redirect. Fails
	 * to detect soft redirects on edit, history, etc. pages.  Will attempt to
	 * detect Module:RfD, with the same failure points.
	 * @returns {boolean}
	Morebits.isPageRedirect = function() {
		return !!(mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect') || document.getElementById('softredirect') || $('.box-RfD').length || $('.box-Redirect_category_shell').length);
	 * Stores a normalized (underscores converted to spaces) version of the
	 * `wgPageName` variable.
	 * @type {string}
	Morebits.pageNameNorm = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ');
	 * Create a string for use in regex matching a page name.  Accounts for
	 * leading character's capitalization, underscores as spaces, and special
	 * characters being escaped.  See also {@link Morebits.namespaceRegex}.
	 * @param {string} pageName - Page name without namespace.
	 * @returns {string} - For a page name `Foo bar`, returns the string `[Ff]oo[_ ]bar`.
	Morebits.pageNameRegex = function(pageName) {
		if (pageName === '') {
			return '';
		var firstChar = pageName[0],
			remainder = Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(pageName.slice(1));
		if (mw.Title.phpCharToUpper(firstChar) !== firstChar.toLowerCase()) {
			return '[' + mw.Title.phpCharToUpper(firstChar) + firstChar.toLowerCase() + ']' + remainder;
		return Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(firstChar) + remainder;
	 * Converts string or array of DOM nodes into an HTML fragment.
	 * Wikilink syntax (`[[...]]`) is transformed into HTML anchor.
	 * Used in Morebits.quickForm and Morebits.status
	 * @internal
	 * @param {string|Node|(string|Node)[]} input
	 * @returns {DocumentFragment}
	Morebits.createHtml = function(input) {
		var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
		if (!input) {
			return fragment;
		if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
			input = [ input ];
		for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
			if (input[i] instanceof Node) {
			} else {
				$.parseHTML(Morebits.createHtml.renderWikilinks(input[i])).forEach(function(node) {
		return fragment;
	 * Converts wikilinks to HTML anchor tags.
	 * @param text
	 * @returns {*}
	Morebits.createHtml.renderWikilinks = function (text) {
		var ub = new Morebits.unbinder(text);
		// Don't convert wikilinks within code tags as they're used for displaying wiki-code
		ub.unbind('<code>', '</code>');
		ub.content = ub.content.replace(
			function(_, target, text) {
				if (!target) {
					target = text;
				return '<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl(target) +
					'" title="' + target.replace(/"/g, '&#34;') + '">' + text + '</a>';
		return ub.rebind();
	 * Create a string for use in regex matching all namespace aliases, regardless
	 * of the capitalization and underscores/spaces.  Doesn't include the optional
	 * leading `:`, but if there's more than one item, wraps the list in a
	 * non-capturing group.  This means you can do `Morebits.namespaceRegex([4]) +
	 * ':' + Morebits.pageNameRegex('Twinkle')` to match a full page.  Uses
	 * {@link Morebits.pageNameRegex}.
	 * @param {number[]} namespaces - Array of namespace numbers.  Unused/invalid
	 * namespace numbers are silently discarded.
	 * @example
	 * // returns '(?:[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]|[Ii][Mm][Aa][Gg][Ee])'
	 * Morebits.namespaceRegex([6])
	 * @returns {string} - Regex-suitable string of all namespace aliases.
	Morebits.namespaceRegex = function(namespaces) {
		if (!Array.isArray(namespaces)) {
			namespaces = [namespaces];
		var aliases = [], regex;
		$.each(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds'), function(name, number) {
			if (namespaces.indexOf(number) !== -1) {
				// Namespaces are completely agnostic as to case,
				// and a regex string is more useful/compatible than a RegExp object,
				// so we accept any casing for any letter.
				aliases.push(name.split('').map(function(char) {
					return Morebits.pageNameRegex(char);
		switch (aliases.length) {
			case 0:
				regex = '';
			case 1:
				regex = aliases[0];
				regex = '(?:' + aliases.join('|') + ')';
		return regex;
	/* **************** Morebits.quickForm **************** */
	 * Creation of simple and standard forms without much specific coding.
	 * @namespace Morebits.quickForm
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 * @param {event} event - Function to execute when form is submitted.
	 * @param {string} [eventType=submit] - Type of the event.
	Morebits.quickForm = function QuickForm(event, eventType) {
		this.root = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'form', event: event, eventType: eventType });
	 * Renders the HTML output of the quickForm.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @returns {HTMLElement}
	Morebits.quickForm.prototype.render = function QuickFormRender() {
		var ret = this.root.render();
		ret.names = {};
		return ret;
	 * Append element to the form.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(object|Morebits.quickForm.element)} data - A quickform element, or the object with which
	 * a quickform element is constructed.
	 * @returns {Morebits.quickForm.element} - Same as what is passed to the function.
	Morebits.quickForm.prototype.append = function QuickFormAppend(data) {
		return this.root.append(data);
	 * Create a new element for the the form.
	 * Index to Morebits.quickForm.element types:
	 * - Global attributes: id, className, style, tooltip, extra, $data, adminonly
	 * - `select`: A combo box (aka drop-down).
	 *     - Attributes: name, label, multiple, size, list, event, disabled
	 *  - `option`: An element for a combo box.
	 *      - Attributes: value, label, selected, disabled
	 *  - `optgroup`: A group of "option"s.
	 *      - Attributes: label, list
	 *  - `field`: A fieldset (aka group box).
	 *      - Attributes: name, label, disabled
	 *  - `checkbox`: A checkbox. Must use "list" parameter.
	 *      - Attributes: name, list, event
	 *      - Attributes (within list): name, label, value, checked, disabled, event, subgroup
	 *  - `radio`: A radio button. Must use "list" parameter.
	 *      - Attributes: name, list, event
	 *      - Attributes (within list): name, label, value, checked, disabled, event, subgroup
	 *  - `input`: A text input box.
	 *      - Attributes: name, label, value, size, placeholder, maxlength, disabled, required, readonly, event
	 *  - `number`: A number input box.
	 *      - Attributes: Everything the text `input` has, as well as: min, max, step, list
	 *  - `dyninput`: A set of text boxes with "Remove" buttons and an "Add" button.
	 *      - Attributes: name, label, min, max, sublabel, value, size, maxlength, event
	 *  - `hidden`: An invisible form field.
	 *      - Attributes: name, value
	 *  - `header`: A level 5 header.
	 *      - Attributes: label
	 *  - `div`: A generic placeholder element or label.
	 *      - Attributes: name, label
	 *  - `submit`: A submit button. Morebits.simpleWindow moves these to the footer of the dialog.
	 *      - Attributes: name, label, disabled
	 *  - `button`: A generic button.
	 *      - Attributes: name, label, disabled, event
	 *  - `textarea`: A big, multi-line text box.
	 *      - Attributes: name, label, value, cols, rows, disabled, required, readonly
	 *  - `fragment`: A DocumentFragment object.
	 *      - No attributes, and no global attributes except adminonly.
	 * There is some difference on how types handle the `label` attribute:
	 * - `div`, `select`, `field`, `checkbox`/`radio`, `input`, `textarea`, `header`, and `dyninput` can accept an array of items,
	 * and the label item(s) can be `Element`s.
	 * - `option`, `optgroup`, `_dyninput_element`, `submit`, and `button` accept only a single string.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @class
	 * @param {object} data - Object representing the quickform element. Should
	 * specify one of the available types from the index above, as well as any
	 * relevant and available attributes.
	 * @example new Morebits.quickForm.element({
	 *     name: 'target',
	 *     type: 'input',
	 *     label: 'Your target:',
	 *     tooltip: 'Enter your target. Required.',
	 *     required: true
	 * });
	Morebits.quickForm.element = function QuickFormElement(data) { = data;
		this.childs = [];
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element
	 * @type {number}
	 */ = 0;
	 * Appends an element to current element.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element
	 * @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} data - A quickForm element or the object required to
	 * create the quickForm element.
	 * @returns {Morebits.quickForm.element} The same element passed in.
	Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.append = function QuickFormElementAppend(data) {
		var child;
		if (data instanceof Morebits.quickForm.element) {
			child = data;
		} else {
			child = new Morebits.quickForm.element(data);
		return child;
	 * Renders the HTML output for the quickForm element.  This should be called
	 * without parameters: `form.render()`.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element
	 * @returns {HTMLElement}
	Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.render = function QuickFormElementRender(internal_subgroup_id) {
		var currentNode = this.compute(, internal_subgroup_id);
		for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) {
			// do not pass internal_subgroup_id to recursive calls
		return currentNode[0];
	/** @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element */
	Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.compute = function QuickFormElementCompute(data, in_id) {
		var node;
		var childContainer = null;
		var label;
		var id = (in_id ? in_id + '_' : '') + 'node_' +;
		if (data.adminonly && !Morebits.userIsSysop) {
			// hell hack alpha
			data.type = 'hidden';
		var i, current, subnode;
		switch (data.type) {
			case 'form':
				node = document.createElement('form');
				node.className = 'quickform';
				node.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:void(0);');
				if (data.event) {
					node.addEventListener(data.eventType || 'submit', data.event, false);
			case 'fragment':
				node = document.createDocumentFragment();
				// fragments can't have any attributes, so just return it straight away
				return [ node, node ];
			case 'select':
				node = document.createElement('div');
				node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id);
				if (data.label) {
					label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
					label.setAttribute('for', id);
					// zhwiki: No margin
				var select = node.appendChild(document.createElement('select'));
				if (data.event) {
					select.addEventListener('change', data.event, false);
				if (data.multiple) {
					select.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');
				if (data.size) {
					select.setAttribute('size', data.size);
				if (data.disabled) {
					select.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
				if (data.list) {
					for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) {
						current = data.list[i];
						if (current.list) {
							current.type = 'optgroup';
						} else {
							current.type = 'option';
						subnode = this.compute(current);
				childContainer = select;
			case 'option':
				node = document.createElement('option');
				node.values = data.value;
				node.setAttribute('value', data.value);
				if (data.selected) {
					node.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
				if (data.disabled) {
					node.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
				// zhwiki: Add hidden attr
				if (data.hidden) {
					node.setAttribute('hidden', '');
				node.setAttribute('label', data.label);
			case 'optgroup':
				node = document.createElement('optgroup');
				node.setAttribute('label', data.label);
				if (data.list) {
					for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) {
						current = data.list[i];
						current.type = 'option'; // must be options here
						subnode = this.compute(current);
			case 'field':
				node = document.createElement('fieldset');
				label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('legend'));
				if ( {
				if (data.disabled) {
					node.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
			case 'checkbox':
			case 'radio':
				node = document.createElement('div');
				if (data.list) {
					for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) {
						var cur_id = id + '_' + i;
						current = data.list[i];
						var cur_div;
						if (current.type === 'header') {
						// inline hack
							cur_div = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h6'));
							if (current.tooltip) {
								Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(cur_div, current);
						cur_div = node.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
						// zhwiki: Add hidden attr
						if (current.hidden) {
							cur_div.setAttribute('hidden', '');
						subnode = cur_div.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
						subnode.values = current.value;
						subnode.setAttribute('value', current.value);
						subnode.setAttribute('type', data.type);
						subnode.setAttribute('id', cur_id);
						subnode.setAttribute('name', ||;
						// If name is provided on the individual checkbox, add a data-single
						// attribute which indicates it isn't part of a list of checkboxes with
						// same name. Used in getInputData()
						if ( {
							subnode.setAttribute('data-single', 'data-single');
						if (current.checked) {
							subnode.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
						if (current.disabled) {
							subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
						label = cur_div.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
						label.setAttribute('for', cur_id);
						if (current.tooltip) {
							Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(label, current);
						// styles go on the label, doesn't make sense to style a checkbox/radio
						if ( {
						var event;
						if (current.subgroup) {
							var tmpgroup = current.subgroup;
							if (!Array.isArray(tmpgroup)) {
								tmpgroup = [ tmpgroup ];
							var subgroupRaw = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
								type: 'div',
								id: id + '_' + i + '_subgroup'
							$.each(tmpgroup, function(idx, el) {
								var newEl = $.extend({}, el);
								if (!newEl.type) {
									newEl.type = data.type;
								} = ( || + '.' +;
							var subgroup = subgroupRaw.render(cur_id);
							subgroup.className = 'quickformSubgroup';
							subnode.subgroup = subgroup;
							subnode.shown = false;
							event = function(e) {
								if ( {;
									if ( === 'radio') {
										var name =;
										if ([name] !== undefined) {
[name] =;
								} else {;
							subnode.addEventListener('change', event, true);
							if (current.checked) {
						} else if (data.type === 'radio') {
							event = function(e) {
								if ( {
									var name =;
									if ([name] !== undefined) {
							subnode.addEventListener('change', event, true);
						// add users' event last, so it can interact with the subgroup
						if (data.event) {
							subnode.addEventListener('change', data.event, false);
						} else if (current.event) {
							subnode.addEventListener('change', current.event, true);
				if (data.shiftClickSupport && data.type === 'checkbox') {
			// input is actually a text-type, so number here inherits the same stuff
			case 'number':
			case 'input':
				node = document.createElement('div');
				node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id);
				// zhwiki: Add hidden attr
				if (data.hidden) {
					node.setAttribute('hidden', '');
				if (data.label) {
					label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
					label.setAttribute('for', || id);
					// zhwiki: No margin
				subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
				// zhwiki: Add value and placeholder attrs
				if (data.value) {
					subnode.setAttribute('value', data.value);
				if (data.placeholder) {
					subnode.setAttribute('placeholder', data.placeholder);
				if (data.type === 'input') {
					subnode.setAttribute('type', 'text');
				} else {
					subnode.setAttribute('type', 'number');
					['min', 'max', 'step', 'list'].forEach(function(att) {
						if (data[att]) {
							subnode.setAttribute(att, data[att]);
				['value', 'size', 'placeholder', 'maxlength'].forEach(function(att) {
					if (data[att]) {
						subnode.setAttribute(att, data[att]);
				['disabled', 'required', 'readonly'].forEach(function(att) {
					if (data[att]) {
						subnode.setAttribute(att, att);
				if (data.event) {
					subnode.addEventListener('keyup', data.event, false);
				childContainer = subnode;
			case 'dyninput':
				var min = data.min || 1;
				var max = data.max || Infinity;
				node = document.createElement('div');
				label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h5'));
				var listNode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
				var more = this.compute({
					type: 'button',
					label: '更多',
					disabled: min >= max,
					event: function(e) {
						var new_node = new Morebits.quickForm.element(;;
						if ( >= {'disabled', 'disabled');
				var moreButton = more[1];
				var sublist = {
					type: '_dyninput_element',
					label: data.sublabel || data.label,
					value: data.value,
					size: data.size,
					remove: false,
					maxlength: data.maxlength,
					event: data.event
				for (i = 0; i < min; ++i) {
					var elem = new Morebits.quickForm.element(sublist);
				sublist.remove = true;
				sublist.morebutton = moreButton;
				sublist.listnode = listNode;
				moreButton.sublist = sublist;
				moreButton.area = listNode;
				moreButton.max = max - min;
				moreButton.counter = 0;
			case '_dyninput_element': // Private, similar to normal input
				node = document.createElement('div');
				if (data.label) {
					label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
					label.setAttribute('for', id);
					// zhwiki: No margin
				subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
				if (data.value) {
					subnode.setAttribute('value', data.value);
				subnode.setAttribute('type', 'text');
				if (data.size) {
					subnode.setAttribute('size', data.size);
				if (data.maxlength) {
					subnode.setAttribute('maxlength', data.maxlength);
				if (data.event) {
					subnode.addEventListener('keyup', data.event, false);
				if (data.remove) {
					var remove = this.compute({
						type: 'button',
						label: '移除',
						event: function(e) {
							var list =;
							var node =;
							var more =;
					var removeButton = remove[1];
					removeButton.inputnode = node;
					removeButton.listnode = data.listnode;
					removeButton.morebutton = data.morebutton;
			case 'hidden':
				node = document.createElement('input');
				node.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
				node.values = data.value;
				node.setAttribute('value', data.value);
			case 'header':
				node = document.createElement('h5');
			case 'div':
				node = document.createElement('div');
				if ( {
				if (data.label) {
					var result = document.createElement('span');
					result.className = 'quickformDescription';
			case 'submit':
				node = document.createElement('span');
				childContainer = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
				childContainer.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
				if (data.label) {
					childContainer.setAttribute('value', data.label);
				childContainer.setAttribute('name', || 'submit');
				if (data.disabled) {
					childContainer.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
			case 'button':
				node = document.createElement('span');
				childContainer = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
				childContainer.setAttribute('type', 'button');
				if (data.label) {
					childContainer.setAttribute('value', data.label);
				if (data.disabled) {
					childContainer.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
				if (data.event) {
					childContainer.addEventListener('click', data.event, false);
			case 'textarea':
				node = document.createElement('div');
				node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id);
				// zhwiki: Add hidden attr
				if (data.hidden) {
					node.setAttribute('hidden', '');
				if (data.label) {
					label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h5'));
					var labelElement = document.createElement('label');
					labelElement.setAttribute('for', || id);
				subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('textarea'));
				if (data.cols) {
					subnode.setAttribute('cols', data.cols);
				if (data.rows) {
					subnode.setAttribute('rows', data.rows);
				if (data.disabled) {
					subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
				if (data.required) {
					subnode.setAttribute('required', 'required');
				if (data.readonly) {
					subnode.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
				if (data.value) {
					subnode.value = data.value;
				// zhwiki: Add placeholder attr
				if (data.placeholder) {
					subnode.placeholder = data.placeholder;
				childContainer = subnode;
				throw new Error('Morebits.quickForm: unknown element type ' + data.type.toString());
		if (!childContainer) {
			childContainer = node;
		if (data.tooltip) {
			Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(label || node, data);
		if (data.extra) {
			childContainer.extra = data.extra;
		if (data.$data) {
		if ( {
		if (data.className) {
			childContainer.className = childContainer.className ?
				childContainer.className + ' ' + data.className :
		childContainer.setAttribute('id', || id);
		return [ node, childContainer ];
	 * Create a jQuery UI-based tooltip.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm.element
	 * @requires jquery.ui
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node - The HTML element beside which a tooltip is to be generated.
	 * @param {object} data - Tooltip-related configuration data.
	Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip = function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltip(node, data) {
		var tooltipButton = node.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));
		tooltipButton.className = 'morebits-tooltipButton';
		tooltipButton.title = data.tooltip; // Provides the content for jQuery UI
			position: { my: 'left top', at: 'center bottom', collision: 'flipfit' },
			// Deprecated in UI 1.12, but MW stuck on 1.9.2 indefinitely; see #398 and T71386
			tooltipClass: 'morebits-ui-tooltip'
	// Some utility methods for manipulating quickForms after their creation:
	// (None of these work for "dyninput" type fields at present)
	 * Returns an object containing all filled form data entered by the user, with the object
	 * keys being the form element names. Disabled fields will be ignored, but not hidden fields.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {HTMLFormElement} form
	 * @returns {object} With field names as keys, input data as values.
	Morebits.quickForm.getInputData = function(form) {
		var result = {};
		for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
			var field = form.elements[i];
			if (field.disabled || ! || !field.type ||
				field.type === 'submit' || field.type === 'button') {
			// For elements in subgroups, quickform prepends element names with
			// name of the parent group followed by a period, get rid of that.
			var fieldNameNorm ='.') + 1);
			switch (field.type) {
				case 'radio':
					if (field.checked) {
						result[fieldNameNorm] = field.value;
				case 'checkbox':
					if (field.dataset.single) {
						result[fieldNameNorm] = field.checked; // boolean
					} else {
						result[fieldNameNorm] = result[fieldNameNorm] || [];
						if (field.checked) {
				case 'select-multiple':
					result[fieldNameNorm] = $(field).val(); // field.value doesn't work
				case 'text': // falls through
				case 'textarea':
					result[fieldNameNorm] = field.value.trim();
				default: // could be select-one, date, number, email, etc
					if (field.value) {
						result[fieldNameNorm] = field.value;
		return result;
	 * Returns all form elements with a given field name or ID.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {HTMLFormElement} form
	 * @param {string} fieldName - The name or id of the fields.
	 * @returns {HTMLElement[]} - Array of matching form elements.
	Morebits.quickForm.getElements = function QuickFormGetElements(form, fieldName) {
		var $form = $(form);
		fieldName = $.escapeSelector(fieldName); // sanitize input
		var $elements = $form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"]');
		if ($elements.length > 0) {
			return $elements.toArray();
		$elements = $form.find('#' + fieldName);
		return $elements.toArray();
	 * Searches the array of elements for a checkbox or radio button with a certain
	 * `value` attribute, and returns the first such element. Returns null if not found.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {HTMLInputElement[]} elementArray - Array of checkbox or radio elements.
	 * @param {string} value - Value to search for.
	 * @returns {HTMLInputElement}
	Morebits.quickForm.getCheckboxOrRadio = function QuickFormGetCheckboxOrRadio(elementArray, value) {
		var found = $.grep(elementArray, function(el) {
			return el.value === value;
		if (found.length > 0) {
			return found[0];
		return null;
	 * Returns the &lt;div> containing the form element, or the form element itself
	 * May not work as expected on checkboxes or radios.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {HTMLElement} element
	 * @returns {HTMLElement}
	Morebits.quickForm.getElementContainer = function QuickFormGetElementContainer(element) {
		// for divs, headings and fieldsets, the container is the element itself
		if (element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement || element instanceof HTMLDivElement ||
				element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement) {
			return element;
		// for others, just return the parent node
		return element.parentNode;
	 * Gets the HTML element that contains the label of the given form element
	 * (mainly for internal use).
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
	 * @returns {HTMLElement}
	Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject = function QuickFormGetElementLabelObject(element) {
		// for buttons, divs and headers, the label is on the element itself
		if (element.type === 'button' || element.type === 'submit' ||
				element instanceof HTMLDivElement || element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement) {
			return element;
		// for fieldsets, the label is the child <legend> element
		} else if (element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement) {
			return element.getElementsByTagName('legend')[0];
		// for textareas, the label is the sibling <h5> element
		} else if (element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {
			return element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('h5')[0];
		// for others, the label is the sibling <label> element
		return element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('label')[0];
	 * Gets the label text of the element.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
	 * @returns {string}
	Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabel = function QuickFormGetElementLabel(element) {
		var labelElement = Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject(element);
		if (!labelElement) {
			return null;
		return labelElement.firstChild.textContent;
	 * Sets the label of the element to the given text.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
	 * @param {string} labelText
	 * @returns {boolean} True if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable.
	Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel = function QuickFormSetElementLabel(element, labelText) {
		var labelElement = Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject(element);
		if (!labelElement) {
			return false;
		labelElement.firstChild.textContent = labelText;
		return true;
	 * Stores the element's current label, and temporarily sets the label to the given text.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
	 * @param {string} temporaryLabelText
	 * @returns {boolean} `true` if succeeded, `false` if the label element is unavailable.
	Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel = function QuickFormOverrideElementLabel(element, temporaryLabelText) {
		if (!element.hasAttribute('data-oldlabel')) {
			element.setAttribute('data-oldlabel', Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabel(element));
		return Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel(element, temporaryLabelText);
	 * Restores the label stored by overrideElementLabel.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
	 * @returns {boolean} True if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable.
	Morebits.quickForm.resetElementLabel = function QuickFormResetElementLabel(element) {
		if (element.hasAttribute('data-oldlabel')) {
			return Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel(element, element.getAttribute('data-oldlabel'));
		return null;
	 * Shows or hides a form element plus its label and tooltip.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery|string)} element - HTML/jQuery element, or jQuery selector string.
	 * @param {boolean} [visibility] - Skip this to toggle visibility.
	Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility = function QuickFormSetElementVisibility(element, visibility) {
	 * Shows or hides the question mark icon (which displays the tooltip) next to a form element.
	 * @memberof Morebits.quickForm
	 * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery)} element
	 * @param {boolean} [visibility] - Skip this to toggle visibility.
	Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility = function QuickFormSetElementTooltipVisibility(element, visibility) {
	 * @external HTMLFormElement
	 * Get checked items in the form.
	 * @function external:HTMLFormElement.getChecked
	 * @param {string} name - Find checked property of elements (i.e. a checkbox
	 * or a radiobutton) with the given name, or select options that have selected
	 * set to true (don't try to mix selects with radio/checkboxes).
	 * @param {string} [type] - Optionally specify either radio or checkbox (for
	 * the event that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name).
	 * @returns {string[]} - Contains the values of elements with the given name
	 * checked property set to true.
	HTMLFormElement.prototype.getChecked = function(name, type) {
		var elements = this.elements[name];
		if (!elements) {
			return [];
		var return_array = [];
		var i;
		if (elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
			var options = elements.options;
			for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
				if (options[i].selected) {
					if (options[i].values) {
					} else {
		} else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
			if (type && elements.type !== type) {
				return [];
			} else if (elements.checked) {
				return [ elements.value ];
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
				if (elements[i].checked) {
					if (type && elements[i].type !== type) {
					if (elements[i].values) {
					} else {
		return return_array;
	 * Does the same as {@link HTMLFormElement.getChecked|getChecked}, but with unchecked elements.
	 * @function external:HTMLFormElement.getUnchecked
	 * @param {string} name - Find checked property of elements (i.e. a checkbox
	 * or a radiobutton) with the given name, or select options that have selected
	 * set to true (don't try to mix selects with radio/checkboxes).
	 * @param {string} [type] - Optionally specify either radio or checkbox (for
	 * the event that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name).
	 * @returns {string[]} - Contains the values of elements with the given name
	 * checked property set to true.
	HTMLFormElement.prototype.getUnchecked = function(name, type) {
		var elements = this.elements[name];
		if (!elements) {
			return [];
		var return_array = [];
		var i;
		if (elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
			var options = elements.options;
			for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
				if (!options[i].selected) {
					if (options[i].values) {
					} else {
		} else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
			if (type && elements.type !== type) {
				return [];
			} else if (!elements.checked) {
				return [ elements.value ];
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
				if (!elements[i].checked) {
					if (type && elements[i].type !== type) {
					if (elements[i].values) {
					} else {
		return return_array;
	 * Utilities to help process IP addresses.
	 * @namespace Morebits.ip
	 * @memberof Morebits
	Morebits.ip = {
		 * Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki.
		 * JavaScript translation of the {@link|`IP::sanitizeIP()`}
		 * function from the IPUtils library.  Addresses are verbose, uppercase,
		 * normalized, and expanded to 8 words.
		 * @param {string} address - The IPv6 address, with or without CIDR.
		 * @returns {string}
		sanitizeIPv6: function (address) {
			address = address.trim();
			if (address === '') {
				return null;
			if (!mw.util.isIPv6Address(address, true)) {
				return address; // nothing else to do for IPv4 addresses or invalid ones
			// Remove any whitespaces, convert to upper case
			address = address.toUpperCase();
			// Expand zero abbreviations
			var abbrevPos = address.indexOf('::');
			if (abbrevPos > -1) {
				// We know this is valid IPv6. Find the last index of the
				// address before any CIDR number (e.g. "a:b:c::/24").
				var CIDRStart = address.indexOf('/');
				var addressEnd = CIDRStart !== -1 ? CIDRStart - 1 : address.length - 1;
				// If the '::' is at the beginning...
				var repeat, extra, pad;
				if (abbrevPos === 0) {
					repeat = '0:';
					extra = address === '::' ? '0' : ''; // for the address '::'
					pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::')
					// If the '::' is at the end...
				} else if (abbrevPos === (addressEnd - 1)) {
					repeat = ':0';
					extra = '';
					pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::')
					// If the '::' is in the middle...
				} else {
					repeat = ':0';
					extra = ':';
					pad = 8; // 6+2 (due to '::')
				var replacement = repeat;
				pad -= address.split(':').length - 1;
				for (var i = 1; i < pad; i++) {
					replacement += repeat;
				replacement += extra;
				address = address.replace('::', replacement);
			// Remove leading zeros from each bloc as needed
			return address.replace(/(^|:)0+([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})/g, '$1$2');
		 * Determine if the given IP address is a range.  Just conjoins
		 * `mw.util.isIPAddress` with and without the `allowBlock` option.
		 * @param {string} ip
		 * @returns {boolean} - True if given a valid IP address range, false otherwise.
		isRange: function (ip) {
			return mw.util.isIPAddress(ip, true) && !mw.util.isIPAddress(ip);
		 * Check that an IP range is within the CIDR limits.  Most likely to be useful
		 * in conjunction with `wgRelevantUserName`.  CIDR limits are hardcoded as /16
		 * for IPv4 and /32 for IPv6.
		 * @returns {boolean} - True for valid ranges within the CIDR limits,
		 * otherwise false (ranges outside the limit, single IPs, non-IPs).
		validCIDR: function (ip) {
			if (Morebits.ip.isRange(ip)) {
				var subnet = parseInt(ip.match(/\/(\d{1,3})$/)[1], 10);
				if (subnet) { // Should be redundant
					if (mw.util.isIPv6Address(ip, true)) {
						if (subnet >= 32) {
							return true;
					} else {
						if (subnet >= 16) {
							return true;
			return false;
		 * Get the /64 subnet for an IPv6 address.
		 * @param {string} ipv6 - The IPv6 address, with or without a subnet.
		 * @returns {boolean|string} - False if not IPv6 or bigger than a 64,
		 * otherwise the (sanitized) /64 address.
		get64: function (ipv6) {
			if (!ipv6 || !mw.util.isIPv6Address(ipv6, true)) {
				return false;
			var subnetMatch = ipv6.match(/\/(\d{1,3})$/);
			if (subnetMatch && parseInt(subnetMatch[1], 10) < 64) {
				return false;
			ipv6 = Morebits.ip.sanitizeIPv6(ipv6);
			var ip_re = /^((?:[0-9A-F]{1,4}:){4})(?:[0-9A-F]{1,4}:){3}[0-9A-F]{1,4}(?:\/\d{1,3})?$/;
			return ipv6.replace(ip_re, '$1' + '0:0:0:0/64');
	 * Helper functions to manipulate strings.
	 * @namespace Morebits.string
	 * @memberof Morebits
	Morebits.string = {
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @returns {string}
		toUpperCaseFirstChar: function(str) {
			str = str.toString();
			return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @returns {string}
		toLowerCaseFirstChar: function(str) {
			str = str.toString();
			return str.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1);
		 * Gives an array of substrings of `str` - starting with `start` and
		 * ending with `end` - which is not in `skiplist`.  Intended for use
		 * on wikitext with templates or links.
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @param {string} start
		 * @param {string} end
		 * @param {(string[]|string)} [skiplist]
		 * @returns {string[]}
		 * @throws If the `start` and `end` strings aren't of the same length.
		 * @throws If `skiplist` isn't an array or string
		splitWeightedByKeys: function(str, start, end, skiplist) {
			if (start.length !== end.length) {
				throw new Error('start marker and end marker must be of the same length');
			var level = 0;
			var initial = null;
			var result = [];
			if (!Array.isArray(skiplist)) {
				if (skiplist === undefined) {
					skiplist = [];
				} else if (typeof skiplist === 'string') {
					skiplist = [ skiplist ];
				} else {
					throw new Error('non-applicable skiplist parameter');
			for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
				for (var j = 0; j < skiplist.length; ++j) {
					if (str.substr(i, skiplist[j].length) === skiplist[j]) {
						i += skiplist[j].length - 1;
				if (str.substr(i, start.length) === start) {
					if (initial === null) {
						initial = i;
					i += start.length - 1;
				} else if (str.substr(i, end.length) === end) {
					i += end.length - 1;
				if (!level && initial !== null) {
					result.push(str.substring(initial, i + 1));
					initial = null;
			return result;
		 * Formats freeform "reason" (from a textarea) for deletion/other
		 * templates that are going to be substituted, (e.g. PROD, XFD, RPP).
		 * Handles `|` outside a nowiki tag.
		 * Optionally, also adds a signature if not present already.
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @param {boolean} [addSig]
		 * @returns {string}
		formatReasonText: function(str, addSig) {
			var reason = (str || '').toString().trim();
			var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(reason);
			unbinder.unbind('<no' + 'wiki>', '</no' + 'wiki>');
			unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(/\|/g, '{{subst:!}}');
			reason = unbinder.rebind();
			if (addSig) {
				var sig = '~~~~', sigIndex = reason.lastIndexOf(sig);
				if (sigIndex === -1 || sigIndex !== reason.length - sig.length) {
					reason += ' ' + sig;
			return reason.trim();
		 * Formats a "reason" (from a textarea) for inclusion in a userspace
		 * log.  Replaces newlines with {{Pb}}, and adds an extra `#` before
		 * list items for proper formatting.
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @returns {string}
		formatReasonForLog: function(str) {
			return str
				// handle line breaks, which otherwise break numbering
				.replace(/\n+/g, '{{pb}}')
				// put an extra # in front before bulleted or numbered list items
				.replace(/^(#+)/mg, '#$1')
				.replace(/^(\*+)/mg, '#$1');
		 * Like `String.prototype.replace()`, but escapes any dollar signs in
		 * the replacement string.  Useful when the the replacement string is
		 * arbitrary, such as a username or freeform user input, and could
		 * contain dollar signs.
		 * @param {string} string - Text in which to replace.
		 * @param {(string|RegExp)} pattern
		 * @param {string} replacement
		 * @returns {string}
		safeReplace: function morebitsStringSafeReplace(string, pattern, replacement) {
			return string.replace(pattern, replacement.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$'));
		 * Determine if the user-provided expiration will be considered an
		 * infinite-length by MW.
		 * @see {@link}
		 * @param {string} expiry
		 * @returns {boolean}
		isInfinity: function morebitsStringIsInfinity(expiry) {
			return ['indefinite', 'infinity', 'infinite', 'never'].indexOf(expiry) !== -1;
		 * Escapes a string to be used in a RegExp, replacing spaces and
		 * underscores with `[_ ]` as they are often equivalent.
		 * @param {string} text - String to be escaped.
		 * @returns {string} - The escaped text.
		escapeRegExp: function(text) {
			return mw.util.escapeRegExp(text).replace(/ |_/g, '[_ ]');
		 * zhwiki: formatTime
		 * @param {*} time The string to foramt
		 * @returns {string}
		formatTime: function morebitsStringFormatTime(time) {
			var m;
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*sec(ond)?s?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + '秒';
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*min(ute)?s?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + '分';
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*hours?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + wgULS('小时', '小時');
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*days?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + '天';
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*weeks?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + wgULS('周', '週');
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*months?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + wgULS('个月', '個月');
			if ((m = time.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*years?\s*$/)) !== null) {
				return m[1] + '年';
			if (Morebits.string.isInfinity(time.trim())) {
				return wgULS('无限期', '無限期');
			return time;
		 * zhwiki: Append punctuation to a string when it's missing
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @param {string} punctuation
		 * @returns {String}
		appendPunctuation: function(str, punctuation) {
			if (punctuation === undefined) {
				punctuation = '。';
			if ([.?!;。?!;]$/) === -1) {
				str += punctuation;
			return str;
	 * Helper functions to manipulate arrays.
	 * @namespace Morebits.array
	 * @memberof Morebits
	Morebits.array = {
		 * Remove duplicated items from an array.
		 * @param {Array} arr
		 * @returns {Array} A copy of the array with duplicates removed.
		 * @throws When provided a non-array.
		uniq: function(arr) {
			if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
				throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.uniq';
			return arr.filter(function(item, idx) {
				return arr.indexOf(item) === idx;
		 * Remove non-duplicated items from an array.
		 * @param {Array} arr
		 * @returns {Array} A copy of the array with the first instance of each value
		 * removed; subsequent instances of those values (duplicates) remain.
		 * @throws When provided a non-array.
		dups: function(arr) {
			if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
				throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.dups';
			return arr.filter(function(item, idx) {
				return arr.indexOf(item) !== idx;
		 * Break up an array into smaller arrays.
		 * @param {Array} arr
		 * @param {number} size - Size of each chunk (except the last, which could be different).
		 * @returns {Array[]} An array containing the smaller, chunked arrays.
		 * @throws When provided a non-array.
		chunk: function(arr, size) {
			if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
				throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.chunk';
			if (typeof size !== 'number' || size <= 0) { // pretty impossible to do anything :)
				return [ arr ]; // we return an array consisting of this array.
			var numChunks = Math.ceil(arr.length / size);
			var result = new Array(numChunks);
			for (var i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) {
				result[i] = arr.slice(i * size, (i + 1) * size);
			return result;
	 * Utilities to enhance select2 menus. See twinklewarn, twinklexfd,
	 * twinkleblock for sample usages.
	 * @see {@link}
	 * @namespace Morebits.select2
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @requires jquery.select2
	Morebits.select2 = {
		matchers: {
			 * Custom matcher in which if the optgroup name matches, all options in that
			 * group are shown, like in jquery.chosen.
			optgroupFull: function(params, data) {
				var originalMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.defaults.matcher;
				var result = originalMatcher(params, data);
				if (result && params.term &&
					data.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(params.term.toUpperCase()) !== -1) {
					result.children = data.children;
				return result;
			/** Custom matcher that matches from the beginning of words only. */
			wordBeginning: function(params, data) {
				var originalMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.defaults.matcher;
				var result = originalMatcher(params, data);
				if (!params.term || (result &&
					new RegExp('\\b' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(params.term), 'i').test(result.text))) {
					return result;
				return null;
		/** Underline matched part of options. */
		highlightSearchMatches: function(data) {
			var searchTerm = Morebits.select2SearchQuery;
			if (!searchTerm || data.loading) {
				return data.text;
			var idx = data.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toUpperCase());
			if (idx < 0) {
				return data.text;
			return $('<span>').append(
				data.text.slice(0, idx),
				$('<span>').css('text-decoration', 'underline').text(data.text.slice(idx, idx + searchTerm.length)),
				data.text.slice(idx + searchTerm.length)
		/** Intercept query as it is happening, for use in highlightSearchMatches. */
		queryInterceptor: function(params) {
			Morebits.select2SearchQuery = params && params.term;
		 * Open dropdown and begin search when the `.select2-selection` has
		 * focus and a key is pressed.
		 * @see {@link}
		autoStart: function(ev) {
			if (ev.which < 48) {
			var target = $('.select2-container');
			if (!target.length) {
			target = target.prev();
			var search ='select2').dropdown.$search ||'select2').selection.$search;
			// Use DOM .focus() to work around a jQuery 3.6.0 regression (
	 * Temporarily hide a part of a string while processing the rest of it.
	 * Used by {@link|}.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} string - The initial text to process.
	 * @example var u = new Morebits.unbinder('Hello world <!-- world --> world');
	 * u.unbind('<!--', '-->'); // text inside comment remains intact
	 * u.content = u.content.replace(/world/g, 'earth');
	 * u.rebind(); // gives 'Hello earth <!-- world --> earth'
	Morebits.unbinder = function Unbinder(string) {
		if (typeof string !== 'string') {
			throw new Error('not a string');
		/** The text being processed. */
		this.content = string;
		this.counter = 0;
		this.history = {};
		this.prefix = '%UNIQ::' + Math.random() + '::';
		this.postfix = '::UNIQ%';
	Morebits.unbinder.prototype = {
		 * Hide the region encapsulated by the `prefix` and `postfix` from
		 * string processing.  `prefix` and `postfix` will be used in a
		 * RegExp, so items that need escaping should be use `\\`.
		 * @param {string} prefix
		 * @param {string} postfix
		 * @throws If either `prefix` or `postfix` is missing.
		unbind: function UnbinderUnbind(prefix, postfix) {
			if (!prefix || !postfix) {
				throw new Error('Both prefix and postfix must be provided');
			var re = new RegExp(prefix + '([\\s\\S]*?)' + postfix, 'g');
			this.content = this.content.replace(re, Morebits.unbinder.getCallback(this));
		 * Restore the hidden portion of the `content` string.
		 * @returns {string} The processed output.
		rebind: function UnbinderRebind() {
			var content = this.content;
			content.self = this;
			for (var current in this.history) {
				if (, current)) {
					content = content.replace(current, this.history[current]);
			return content;
		prefix: null, // %UNIQ::0.5955981644938324::
		postfix: null, // ::UNIQ%
		content: null, // string
		counter: null, // 0++
		history: null // {}
	/** @memberof Morebits.unbinder */
	Morebits.unbinder.getCallback = function UnbinderGetCallback(self) {
		return function UnbinderCallback(match) {
			var current = self.prefix + self.counter + self.postfix;
			self.history[current] = match;
			return current;
	/* **************** **************** */
	 * Create a date object with enhanced processing capabilities, a la
	 * {@link|moment.js}. MediaWiki timestamp format is also
	 * acceptable, in addition to everything that JS Date() accepts.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 */ = function() {
		var args =;
		// Check MediaWiki formats
		// Must be first since firefox erroneously accepts the timestamp
		// format, sans timezone (See also: #921, #936, #1174, #1187), and the
		// 14-digit string will be interpreted differently.
		if (args.length === 1) {
			var param = args[0];
			if (/^\d{14}$/.test(param)) {
				// YYYYMMDDHHmmss
				var digitMatch = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/.exec(param);
				if (digitMatch) {
					// ..... year ... month .. date ... hour .... minute ..... second
					this._d = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, [digitMatch[1], digitMatch[2] - 1, digitMatch[3], digitMatch[4], digitMatch[5], digitMatch[6]]));
			} else if (typeof param === 'string') {
				// Wikitext signature timestamp
				var dateParts = Morebits.l10n.signatureTimestampFormat(param);
				if (dateParts) {
					this._d = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, dateParts));
		if (!this._d) {
			// Try standard date
			this._d = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Date, [Date].concat(args)));
		// Still no?
		if (!this.isValid()) {
			mw.log.warn('Invalid initialisation:', args);
	 * Localized strings for date processing.
	 * @memberof
	 * @type {object.<string, string>}
	 * @property {string[]} months
	 * @property {string[]} monthsShort
	 * @property {string[]} days
	 * @property {string[]} daysShort
	 * @property {object.<string, string>} relativeTimes
	 * @private
	 */ = {
		// message names here correspond to MediaWiki message names
		// zhwiki: No i18n at this time
		months: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
		monthsShort: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
		days: ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'],
		daysShort: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'],
		relativeTimes: {
			thisDay: '[今天]A hh:mm',
			prevDay: '[昨天]A hh:mm',
			nextDay: '[明天]A hh:mm',
			thisWeek: 'ddddA hh:mm',
			pastWeek: '[上]ddddA hh:mm',
			other: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
	 * Map units with getter/setter function names, for `add` and `subtract`
	 * methods.
	 * @memberof
	 * @type {object.<string, string>}
	 * @property {string} seconds
	 * @property {string} minutes
	 * @property {string} hours
	 * @property {string} days
	 * @property {string} weeks
	 * @property {string} months
	 * @property {string} years
	 */ = {
		seconds: 'Seconds',
		minutes: 'Minutes',
		hours: 'Hours',
		days: 'Date',
		weeks: 'Week', // Not a function but handled in `add` through cunning use of multiplication
		months: 'Month',
		years: 'FullYear'
	}; = {
		/** @returns {boolean} */
		isValid: function() {
			return !isNaN(this.getTime());
		 * @param {(Date|} date
		 * @returns {boolean}
		isBefore: function(date) {
			return this.getTime() < date.getTime();
		 * @param {(Date|} date
		 * @returns {boolean}
		isAfter: function(date) {
			return this.getTime() > date.getTime();
		/** @returns {string} */
		getUTCMonthName: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getUTCMonthNameAbbrev: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getMonthName: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getMonthNameAbbrev: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getUTCDayName: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getUTCDayNameAbbrev: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getDayName: function() {
		/** @returns {string} */
		getDayNameAbbrev: function() {
		 * Add a given number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years to the date.
		 * This is done in-place. The modified date object is also returned, allowing chaining.
		 * @param {number} number - Should be an integer.
		 * @param {string} unit
		 * @throws If invalid or unsupported unit is given.
		 * @returns {}
		add: function(number, unit) {
			var num = parseInt(number, 10); // normalize
			if (isNaN(num)) {
				throw new Error('Invalid number "' + number + '" provided.');
			unit = unit.toLowerCase(); // normalize
			var unitMap =;
			var unitNorm = unitMap[unit] || unitMap[unit + 's']; // so that both singular and  plural forms work
			if (unitNorm) {
				// No built-in week functions, so rather than build out ISO's getWeek/setWeek, just multiply
				// Probably can't be used for Julian->Gregorian changeovers, etc.
				if (unitNorm === 'Week') {
					unitNorm = 'Date', num *= 7;
				this['set' + unitNorm](this['get' + unitNorm]() + num);
				return this;
			throw new Error('Invalid unit "' + unit + '": Only ' + Object.keys(unitMap).join(', ') + ' are allowed.');
		 * Subtracts a given number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years to the date.
		 * This is done in-place. The modified date object is also returned, allowing chaining.
		 * @param {number} number - Should be an integer.
		 * @param {string} unit
		 * @throws If invalid or unsupported unit is given.
		 * @returns {}
		subtract: function(number, unit) {
			return this.add(-number, unit);
		 * Format the date into a string per the given format string.
		 * Replacement syntax is a subset of that in moment.js:
		 * | Syntax | Output |
		 * |--------|--------|
		 * | H | Hours (24-hour) |
		 * | HH | Hours (24-hour, padded to 2 digits) |
		 * | h | Hours (12-hour) |
		 * | hh | Hours (12-hour, padded to 2 digits) |
		 * | A | AM or PM |
		 * | m | Minutes |
		 * | mm | Minutes (padded to 2 digits) |
		 * | s | Seconds |
		 * | ss | Seconds (padded to 2 digits) |
		 * | SSS | Milliseconds fragment, 3 digits |
		 * | d | Day number of the week (Sun=0) |
		 * | ddd | Abbreviated day name |
		 * | dddd | Full day name |
		 * | D | Date |
		 * | DD | Date (padded to 2 digits) |
		 * | M | Month number (1-indexed) |
		 * | MM | Month number (1-indexed, padded to 2 digits) |
		 * | MMM | Abbreviated month name |
		 * | MMMM | Full month name |
		 * | Y | Year |
		 * | YY | Final two digits of year (20 for 2020, 42 for 1942) |
		 * | YYYY | Year (same as `Y`) |
		 * @param {string} formatstr - Format the date into a string, using
		 * the replacement syntax.  Use `[` and `]` to escape items.  If not
		 * provided, will return the ISO-8601-formatted string.
		 * @param {(string|number)} [zone=system] - `system` (for browser-default time zone),
		 * `utc`, or specify a time zone as number of minutes relative to UTC.
		 * @returns {string}
		format: function(formatstr, zone) {
			if (!this.isValid()) {
				return 'Invalid date'; // Put the truth out, preferable to "NaNNaNNan NaN:NaN" or whatever
			var udate = this;
			// create a new date object that will contain the date to display as system time
			if (zone === 'utc') {
				udate = new, 'minutes');
			} else if (typeof zone === 'number') {
				// convert to utc, then add the utc offset given
				udate = new + zone, 'minutes');
			// default to ISOString
			if (!formatstr) {
				return udate.toISOString();
			var pad = function(num, len) {
				len = len || 2; // Up to length of 00 + 1
				return ('00' + num).toString().slice(0 - len);
			var h24 = udate.getHours(), m = udate.getMinutes(), s = udate.getSeconds(), ms = udate.getMilliseconds();
			var D = udate.getDate(), M = udate.getMonth() + 1, Y = udate.getFullYear();
			var h12 = h24 % 12 || 12, amOrPm = h24 >= 12 ? '下午' : '上午';
			var replacementMap = {
				HH: pad(h24), H: h24, hh: pad(h12), h: h12, A: amOrPm,
				mm: pad(m), m: m,
				ss: pad(s), s: s,
				SSS: pad(ms, 3),
				dddd: udate.getDayName(), ddd: udate.getDayNameAbbrev(), d: udate.getDay(),
				DD: pad(D), D: D,
				MMMM: udate.getMonthName(), MMM: udate.getMonthNameAbbrev(), MM: pad(M), M: M,
				YYYY: Y, YY: pad(Y % 100), Y: Y
			var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(formatstr); // escape stuff between [...]
			unbinder.unbind('\\[', '\\]');
			unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(
				/* Regex notes:
				 * d(d{2,3})? matches exactly 1, 3 or 4 occurrences of 'd' ('dd' is treated as a double match of 'd')
				 * Y{1,2}(Y{2})? matches exactly 1, 2 or 4 occurrences of 'Y'
				function(match) {
					return replacementMap[match];
			return unbinder.rebind().replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, '$1');
		 * Gives a readable relative time string such as "Yesterday at 6:43 PM" or "Last Thursday at 11:45 AM".
		 * Similar to `calendar` in moment.js, but with time zone support.
		 * @param {(string|number)} [zone=system] - 'system' (for browser-default time zone),
		 * 'utc' (for UTC), or specify a time zone as number of minutes past UTC.
		 * @returns {string}
		calendar: function(zone) {
			// Zero out the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds - keeping only the date;
			// find the difference. Note that setHours() returns the same thing as getTime().
			var dateDiff = (new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) -
				new Date(this).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)) / 8.64e7;
			switch (true) {
				case dateDiff === 0:
					return this.format(, zone);
				case dateDiff === 1:
					return this.format(, zone);
				case dateDiff > 0 && dateDiff < 7:
					return this.format(, zone);
				case dateDiff === -1:
					return this.format(, zone);
				case dateDiff < 0 && dateDiff > -7:
					return this.format(, zone);
					return this.format(, zone);
		 * Get a regular expression that matches wikitext section titles, such
		 * as `==December 2019==` or `=== Jan 2018 ===`.
		 * @returns {RegExp}
		monthHeaderRegex: function() {
			return new RegExp('^(==+)\\s*' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '年(?:' + this.getUTCMonthName() + '|' +
				this.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev() + ')\\s*\\1', 'mg');
		 * Creates a wikitext section header with the month and year.
		 * @param {number} [level=2] - Header level.  Pass 0 for just the text
		 * with no wikitext markers (==).
		 * @returns {string}
		monthHeader: function(level) {
			// Default to 2, but allow for 0 or stringy numbers
			level = parseInt(level, 10);
			level = isNaN(level) ? 2 : level;
			var header = Array(level + 1).join('='); // String.prototype.repeat not supported in IE 11
			var text = this.getUTCFullYear() + '年' + this.getUTCMonthName();
			if (header.length) { // wikitext-formatted header
				return header + ' ' + text + ' ' + header;
			return text; // Just the string
	// Allow native Date.prototype methods to be used on objects
	Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Date.prototype).forEach(function(func) {
		// Exclude methods that collide with PageTriage's Date.js external, which clobbers native Date: [[phab:T268513]]
		if (['add', 'getDayName', 'getMonthName'].indexOf(func) === -1) {[func] = function() {
				return this._d[func].apply(this._d,;
	/* **************** **************** */
	 * Various objects for wiki editing and API access, including
	 * {@link} and {@link}.
	 * @namespace
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 */ = {};
	 * @deprecated in favor of Morebits.isPageRedirect as of November 2020
	 * @memberof
	 * @returns {boolean}
	 */ = function wikipediaIsPageRedirect() {
		console.warn('NOTE: has been deprecated, use Morebits.isPageRedirect instead.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
		return Morebits.isPageRedirect();
	/* **************** **************** */
	 * @memberof
	 * @type {number}
	 */ = 0;
	 * @memberof
	 * @type {number}
	 */ = 0;
	 * Display message and/or redirect to page upon completion of tasks.
	 * Every call to results in the dispatch of an
	 * asynchronous callback. Each callback can in turn make an additional call to
	 * to continue a processing sequence. At the
	 * conclusion of the final callback of a processing sequence, it is not
	 * possible to simply return to the original caller because there is no call
	 * stack leading back to the original context. Instead,
	 * is called to display the result to
	 * the user and to perform an optional page redirect.
	 * The determination of when to call is
	 * managed through the globals and
	 * is
	 * incremented at the start of every call and decremented
	 * after the completion of a callback function. If a callback function does
	 * not create a new object before exiting, it is the final
	 * step in the processing chain and will
	 * then be called.
	 * Optionally, callers may use to indicate that
	 * processing is not complete upon the conclusion of the final callback
	 * function.  This is used for batch operations. The end of a batch is
	 * signaled by calling
	 * @memberof
	 */ = function(self) {
		if ( <= 0 && <= 0) {;
	// Change per action wanted
	/** @memberof */ = function() {
		if ( {
		if ( {
			// if it isn't a URL, make it one. TODO: This breaks on the articles 'http://', 'ftp://', and similar ones.
			if (!(/^\w+:\/\//).test( { = mw.util.getUrl(;
				if ( === false) { += '?redirect=no';
			window.setTimeout(function() {
				window.location =;
	/** @memberof */ = typeof window.wpActionCompletedTimeOut === 'undefined' ? 5000 : window.wpActionCompletedTimeOut;
	/** @memberof */ = null;
	/** @memberof */ = null;
	/** @memberof */ = function() {;
	/** @memberof */ = function() {
		if ( <= 0 && <= 0) {;
	/* **************** **************** */
	 * An easy way to talk to the MediaWiki API.  Accepts either json or xml
	 * (default) formats; if json is selected, will default to `formatversion=2`
	 * unless otherwise specified.  Similarly, enforces newer `errorformat`s,
	 * defaulting to `html` if unspecified.  `uselang` enforced to the wiki's
	 * content language.
	 * In new code, the use of the last 3 parameters should be avoided, instead
	 * use {@link|setStatusElement()} to bind
	 * the status element (if needed) and use `.then()` or `.catch()` on the
	 * promise returned by `post()`, rather than specify the `onSuccess` or
	 * `onFailure` callbacks.
	 * @memberof
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} currentAction - The current action (required).
	 * @param {object} query - The query (required).
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - The function to call when request is successful.
	 * @param {Morebits.status} [statusElement] - A Morebits.status object to use for status messages.
	 * @param {Function} [onError] - The function to call if an error occurs.
	 */ = function(currentAction, query, onSuccess, statusElement, onError) {
		this.currentAction = currentAction;
		this.query = query;
		this.query.assert = 'user';
		// Enforce newer error formats, preferring html
		if (!query.errorformat || ['wikitext', 'plaintext'].indexOf(query.errorformat) === -1) {
			this.query.errorformat = 'html';
		// Explicitly use the wiki's content language to minimize confusion,
		// see #1179 for discussion
		this.query.uselang = this.query.uselang || 'content'; // zhwiki: Use wgUserLanguage for preview
		this.query.errorlang = 'uselang';
		this.query.errorsuselocal = 1;
		this.onSuccess = onSuccess;
		this.onError = onError;
		if (statusElement) {
		} else {
			this.statelem = new Morebits.status(currentAction);
		// JSON is used throughout Morebits/Twinkle, but xml remains the default for backwards compatibility
		if (!query.format) {
			this.query.format = 'xml';
		} else if (query.format === 'json' && !query.formatversion) {
			this.query.formatversion = '2';
		} else if (['xml', 'json'].indexOf(query.format) === -1) {
			this.statelem.error('Invalid API format: only xml and json are supported.');
		// Ignore tags for queries and most common unsupported actions, produces warnings
		if (query.action && ['query', 'review', 'stabilize', 'pagetriageaction', 'watch'].indexOf(query.action) !== -1) {
			delete query.tags;
		} else if (!query.tags && morebitsWikiChangeTag) {
			query.tags = morebitsWikiChangeTag;
	}; = {
		currentAction: '',
		onSuccess: null,
		onError: null,
		parent: window,  // use global context if there is no parent object
		query: null,
		response: null,
		responseXML: null,  // use `response` instead; retained for backwards compatibility
		statelem: null,  // this non-standard name kept for backwards compatibility
		statusText: null, // result received from the API, normally "success" or "error"
		errorCode: null, // short text error code, if any, as documented in the MediaWiki API
		errorText: null, // full error description, if any
		badtokenRetry: false, // set to true if this on a retry attempted after a badtoken error
		 * Keep track of parent object for callbacks.
		 * @param {*} parent
		setParent: function(parent) {
			this.parent = parent;
		/** @param {Morebits.status} statusElement */
		setStatusElement: function(statusElement) {
			this.statelem = statusElement;
		 * Carry out the request.
		 * @param {object} callerAjaxParameters - Do not specify a parameter unless you really
		 * really want to give jQuery some extra parameters.
		 * @returns {promise} - A jQuery promise object that is resolved or rejected with the api object.
		post: function(callerAjaxParameters) {;
			var queryString = $.map(this.query, function(val, i) {
				if (Array.isArray(val)) {
					return encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' +'|');
				} else if (val !== undefined) {
					return encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
			}).join('&').replace(/^(.*?)(\btoken=[^&]*)&(.*)/, '$1$3&$2');
			// token should always be the last item in the query string (bug TW-B-0013)
			var ajaxparams = $.extend({}, {
				context: this,
				type: this.query.action === 'query' ? 'GET' : 'POST',
				url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
				data: queryString,
				dataType: this.query.format,
				headers: {
					'Api-User-Agent': morebitsWikiApiUserAgent
			}, callerAjaxParameters);
			return $.ajax(ajaxparams).then(
				function onAPIsuccess(response, statusText) {
					this.statusText = statusText;
					this.response = this.responseXML = response;
					// Limit to first error
					if (this.query.format === 'json') {
						this.errorCode = response.errors && response.errors[0].code;
						if (this.query.errorformat === 'html') {
							this.errorText = response.errors && response.errors[0].html;
						} else if (this.query.errorformat === 'wikitext' || this.query.errorformat === 'plaintext') {
							this.errorText = response.errors && response.errors[0].text;
					} else {
						this.errorCode = $(response).find('errors error').eq(0).attr('code');
						// Sufficient for html, wikitext, or plaintext errorformats
						this.errorText = $(response).find('errors error').eq(0).text();
					if (typeof this.errorCode === 'string') {
						// the API didn't like what we told it, e.g., bad edit token or an error creating a page
						return this.returnError(callerAjaxParameters);
					// invoke success callback if one was supplied
					if (this.onSuccess) {
						// set the callback context to this.parent for new code and supply the API object
						// as the first argument to the callback (for legacy code), this);
					} else {'完成');
					return $.Deferred().resolveWith(this.parent, [this]);
				// only network and server errors reach here - complaints from the API itself are caught in success()
				function onAPIfailure(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) {
					this.statusText = statusText;
					this.errorThrown = errorThrown; // frequently undefined
					this.errorText = statusText + wgULS('在调用API时发生了错误“', '在呼叫API時發生了錯誤「') + jqXHR.statusText + wgULS('”。', '」。');
					return this.returnError();
		returnError: function(callerAjaxParameters) {
			if (this.errorCode === 'badtoken' && !this.badtokenRetry) {
				this.statelem.warn(wgULS('无效令牌,获取新的令牌并重试…', '無效權杖,取得新的權杖並重試…'));
				this.badtokenRetry = true;
				// Get a new CSRF token and retry. If the original action needs a different
				// type of action than CSRF, we do one pointless retry before bailing out
				return {
					this.query.token = token;
			this.statelem.error(this.errorText + '(' + this.errorCode + ')');
			// invoke failure callback if one was supplied
			if (this.onError) {
				// set the callback context to this.parent for new code and supply the API object
				// as the first argument to the callback for legacy code, this);
			// don't complete the action so that the error remains displayed
			return $.Deferred().rejectWith(this.parent, [this]);
		getStatusElement: function() {
			return this.statelem;
		getErrorCode: function() {
			return this.errorCode;
		getErrorText: function() {
			return this.errorText;
		getXML: function() { // retained for backwards compatibility, use getResponse() instead
			return this.responseXML;
		getResponse: function() {
			return this.response;
	/** Retrieves wikitext from a page. Caching enabled, duration 1 day. */ = function(title) {
		var query = {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'revisions',
			titles: title,
			rvslots: '*',
			rvprop: 'content',
			format: 'json',
			smaxage: '86400', // cache for 1 day
			maxage: '86400' // cache for 1 day
		return new'', query).post().then(function(apiobj) {
			var response = apiobj.getResponse();
			var wikitext = response.query.pages[0].revisions[0].slots.main.content;
			return JSON.parse(wikitext);
	var morebitsWikiApiUserAgent = 'morebits.js~zh ([[w:zh:WT:TW]])';
	 * Set the custom user agent header, which is used for server-side logging.
	 * Note that doing so will set the useragent for every ``
	 * process performed thereafter.
	 * @see {@link}
	 * for original announcement.
	 * @memberof
	 * @param {string} [ua=morebits.js~zh ([[w:zh:WT:TW]])] - User agent.  The default
	 * value of `morebits.js ([[w:WT:TW]])` will be appended to any provided
	 * value.
	 */ = function(ua) {
		morebitsWikiApiUserAgent = (ua ? ua + ' ' : '') + 'morebits.js~zh ([[w:zh:WT:TW]])';
	 * Change/revision tag applied to Morebits actions when no other tags are specified.
	 * Unused by default per {@link|EnWiki consensus}.
	 * @constant
	 * @memberof
	 * @type {string}
	var morebitsWikiChangeTag = '';
	 * Get a new CSRF token on encountering token errors.
	 * @memberof
	 * @returns {string} MediaWiki CSRF token.
	 */ = function() {
		var tokenApi = new'获取令牌', '取得權杖'), {
			action: 'query',
			meta: 'tokens',
			type: 'csrf',
			format: 'json'
		return {
			return apiobj.response.query.tokens.csrftoken;
	/* **************** **************** */
	 * Use the MediaWiki API to load a page and optionally edit it, move it, etc.
	 * Callers are not permitted to directly access the properties of this class!
	 * All property access is through the appropriate get___() or set___() method.
	 * Callers should set {@link} and {@link}
	 * before the first call to {@link}.
	 * Each of the callback functions takes one parameter, which is a
	 * reference to the object that registered the callback.
	 * Callback functions may invoke any prototype method using this reference.
	 * Call sequence for common operations (optional final user callbacks not shown):
	 * - Edit current contents of a page (no edit conflict):
	 * `.load(userTextEditCallback) -> ->
	 * -> ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() ->
	 * .save() -> -> -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()`
	 * - Edit current contents of a page (with edit conflict):
	 * `.load(userTextEditCallback) -> ->
	 * -> ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() ->
	 * .save() -> -> ->
	 * ctx.fnSaveError() -> -> ->
	 * ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> .save() ->
	 * -> -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()`
	 * - Append to a page (similar for prepend and newSection):
	 * `.append() -> -> ->
	 * ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> ctx.fnAutoSave() -> .save() -> ->
	 * -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()`
	 * Notes:
	 * 1. All functions following are invoked asynchronously from the jQuery AJAX library.
	 * 2. The sequence for append/prepend/newSection could be slightly shortened,
	 * but it would require significant duplication of code for little benefit.
	 * @memberof
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} pageName - The name of the page, prefixed by the namespace (if any).
	 * For the current page, use `mw.config.get('wgPageName')`.
	 * @param {string|Morebits.status} [status] - A string describing the action about to be undertaken,
	 * or a Morebits.status object
	 */ = function(pageName, status) {
		if (!status) {
			status = wgULS('打开页面“', '打開頁面「') + pageName + wgULS('”', '」');
		 * Private context variables.
		 * This context is not visible to the outside, thus all the data here
		 * must be accessed via getter and setter functions.
		 * @private
		var ctx = {
			// backing fields for public properties
			pageName: pageName,
			pageExists: false,
			editSummary: null,
			changeTags: null,
			testActions: null,  // array if any valid actions
			callbackParameters: null,
			statusElement: status instanceof Morebits.status ? status : new Morebits.status(status),
			// - edit
			pageText: null,
			editMode: 'all',  // save() replaces entire contents of the page by default
			appendText: null,   // can't reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect
			prependText: null,  // can't reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect
			newSectionText: null,
			newSectionTitle: null,
			createOption: null,
			minorEdit: false,
			botEdit: false,
			pageSection: null,
			maxConflictRetries: 2,
			maxRetries: 2,
			followRedirect: false,
			followCrossNsRedirect: true,
			watchlistOption: 'nochange',
			watchlistExpiry: null,
			creator: null,
			timestamp: null,
			// - revert
			revertOldID: null,
			// - move
			moveDestination: null,
			moveTalkPage: false,
			moveSubpages: false,
			moveSuppressRedirect: false,
			// - protect
			protectEdit: null,
			protectMove: null,
			protectCreate: null,
			protectCascade: null,
			// - creation lookup
			lookupNonRedirectCreator: false,
			// - stabilize (FlaggedRevs)
			flaggedRevs: null,
			// internal status
			pageLoaded: false,
			csrfToken: null,
			loadTime: null,
			lastEditTime: null,
			pageID: null,
			contentModel: null,
			revertCurID: null,
			revertUser: null,
			watched: false,
			fullyProtected: false,
			suppressProtectWarning: false,
			conflictRetries: 0,
			retries: 0,
			// callbacks
			onLoadSuccess: null,
			onLoadFailure: null,
			onSaveSuccess: null,
			onSaveFailure: null,
			onLookupCreationSuccess: null,
			onLookupCreationFailure: null,
			onMoveSuccess: null,
			onMoveFailure: null,
			onDeleteSuccess: null,
			onDeleteFailure: null,
			onUndeleteSuccess: null,
			onUndeleteFailure: null,
			onProtectSuccess: null,
			onProtectFailure: null,
			onStabilizeSuccess: null,
			onStabilizeFailure: null,
			// internal objects
			loadQuery: null,
			loadApi: null,
			saveApi: null,
			lookupCreationApi: null,
			moveApi: null,
			moveProcessApi: null,
			patrolApi: null,
			patrolProcessApi: null,
			triageApi: null,
			triageProcessListApi: null,
			triageProcessApi: null,
			deleteApi: null,
			deleteProcessApi: null,
			undeleteApi: null,
			undeleteProcessApi: null,
			protectApi: null,
			protectProcessApi: null,
			stabilizeApi: null,
			stabilizeProcessApi: null
		var emptyFunction = function() { };
		 * Loads the text for the page.
		 * @param {Function} onSuccess - Callback function which is called when the load has succeeded.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the load fails.
		this.load = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onLoadSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onLoadFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			// Need to be able to do something after the page loads
			if (!onSuccess) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: no onSuccess callback provided to load()!');
			ctx.loadQuery = {
				action: 'query',
				prop: 'info|revisions',
				inprop: 'watched',
				intestactions: 'edit', // can be expanded
				curtimestamp: '',
				meta: 'tokens',
				type: 'csrf',
				titles: ctx.pageName,
				format: 'json'
				// don't need rvlimit=1 because we don't need rvstartid here and only one actual rev is returned by default
			if (ctx.editMode === 'all') {
				ctx.loadQuery.rvprop = 'content|timestamp';  // get the page content at the same time, if needed
			} else if (ctx.editMode === 'revert') {
				ctx.loadQuery.rvprop = 'timestamp';
				ctx.loadQuery.rvlimit = 1;
				ctx.loadQuery.rvstartid = ctx.revertOldID;
			if (ctx.followRedirect) {
				ctx.loadQuery.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects
			if (typeof ctx.pageSection === 'number') {
				ctx.loadQuery.rvsection = ctx.pageSection;
			if (Morebits.userIsSysop) {
				ctx.loadQuery.inprop += '|protection';
			ctx.loadApi = new'抓取页面…', '抓取頁面…'), ctx.loadQuery, fnLoadSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLoadFailure);
		 * Saves the text for the page to Wikipedia.
		 * Must be preceded by successfully calling `load()`.
		 * Warning: Calling `save()` can result in additional calls to the
		 * previous `load()` callbacks to recover from edit conflicts! In this
		 * case, callers must make the same edit to the new pageText and
		 * re-invoke `save()`.  This behavior can be disabled with
		 * `setMaxConflictRetries(0)`.
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the save has succeeded.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the save fails.
		 */ = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			// are we getting our editing token from mw.user.tokens?
			var canUseMwUserToken = fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit');
			if (!ctx.pageLoaded && !canUseMwUserToken) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: attempt to save a page that has not been loaded!');
			if (!ctx.editSummary) {
				// new section mode allows (nay, encourages) using the
				// title as the edit summary, but the query needs
				// editSummary to be undefined or '', not null
				if (ctx.editMode === 'new' && ctx.newSectionTitle) {
					ctx.editSummary = '';
				} else {
					ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: edit summary not set before save!');
			// shouldn't happen if canUseMwUserToken === true
			if (ctx.fullyProtected && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning &&
					ctx.fullyProtected === 'infinity'
						? wgULS('您即将编辑全保护页面“', '您即將編輯全保護頁面「') + ctx.pageName + wgULS('”(无限期)。\n\n单击确定以确定,或单击取消以取消操作。', '」(無限期)。\n\n點擊確定以確定,或點擊取消以取消操作。')
						: wgULS('您即将编辑全保护页面“', '您即將編輯全保護頁面「') + ctx.pageName +
						wgULS('”(到期:', '」(到期:') + new'utc') + ' (UTC))。\n\n' + wgULS('单击确定以确定,或单击取消以取消操作。', '點擊確定以確定,或點擊取消以取消操作。')
			) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('已取消对全保护页面的编辑。', '已取消對全保護頁面的編輯。'));
			ctx.retries = 0;
			var query = {
				action: 'edit',
				title: ctx.pageName,
				summary: ctx.editSummary,
				token: canUseMwUserToken ? mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') : ctx.csrfToken,
				watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption,
				format: 'json'
			if (ctx.changeTags) {
				query.tags = ctx.changeTags;
			if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) {
				query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry;
			if (typeof ctx.pageSection === 'number') {
				query.section = ctx.pageSection;
			// Set minor edit attribute. If these parameters are present with any value, it is interpreted as true
			if (ctx.minorEdit) {
				query.minor = true;
			} else {
				query.notminor = true;  // force Twinkle config to override user preference setting for "all edits are minor"
			// Set bot edit attribute. If this parameter is present with any value, it is interpreted as true
			if (ctx.botEdit) { = true;
			switch (ctx.editMode) {
				case 'append':
					if (ctx.appendText === null) {
						ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: append text not set before save!');
					query.appendtext = ctx.appendText;  // use mode to append to current page contents
				case 'prepend':
					if (ctx.prependText === null) {
						ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: prepend text not set before save!');
					query.prependtext = ctx.prependText;  // use mode to prepend to current page contents
				case 'new':
					if (!ctx.newSectionText) { // API doesn't allow empty new section text
						ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: new section text not set before save!');
					query.section = 'new';
					query.text = ctx.newSectionText;  // add a new section to current page
					query.sectiontitle = ctx.newSectionTitle || ctx.editSummary; // done by the API, but non-'' values would get treated as text
				case 'revert':
					query.undo = ctx.revertCurID;
					query.undoafter = ctx.revertOldID;
					if (ctx.lastEditTime) {
						query.basetimestamp = ctx.lastEditTime; // check that page hasn't been edited since it was loaded
					query.starttimestamp = ctx.loadTime; // check that page hasn't been deleted since it was loaded (don't recreate bad stuff)
				default: // 'all'
					query.text = ctx.pageText; // replace entire contents of the page
					if (ctx.lastEditTime) {
						query.basetimestamp = ctx.lastEditTime; // check that page hasn't been edited since it was loaded
					query.starttimestamp = ctx.loadTime; // check that page hasn't been deleted since it was loaded (don't recreate bad stuff)
			if (['recreate', 'createonly', 'nocreate'].indexOf(ctx.createOption) !== -1) {
				query[ctx.createOption] = '';
			if (canUseMwUserToken && ctx.followRedirect) {
				query.redirect = true;
			ctx.saveApi = new'保存页面…', '儲存頁面…'), query, fnSaveSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnSaveError);
		 * Adds the text provided via `setAppendText()` to the end of the
		 * page.  Does not require calling `load()` first, unless a watchlist
		 * expiry is used.
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the method fails.
		this.append = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.editMode = 'append';
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {, onFailure);
			} else {
				ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
				ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
				this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);
		 * Adds the text provided via `setPrependText()` to the start of the
		 * page.  Does not require calling `load()` first, unless a watchlist
		 * expiry is used.
		 * @param {Function}  [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded.
		 * @param {Function}  [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the method fails.
		this.prepend = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.editMode = 'prepend';
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {, onFailure);
			} else {
				ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
				ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
				this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);
		 * Creates a new section with the text provided by `setNewSectionText()`
		 * and section title from `setNewSectionTitle()`.
		 * If `editSummary` is provided, that will be used instead of the
		 * autogenerated "->Title (new section" edit summary.
		 * Does not require calling `load()` first, unless a watchlist expiry
		 * is used.
		 * @param {Function}  [onSuccess] - Callback function which is called when the method has succeeded.
		 * @param {Function}  [onFailure] - Callback function which is called when the method fails.
		this.newSection = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.editMode = 'new';
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {, onFailure);
			} else {
				ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
				ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
				this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);
		/** @returns {string} The name of the loaded page, including the namespace */
		this.getPageName = function() {
			return ctx.pageName;
		/** @returns {string} The text of the page after a successful load() */
		this.getPageText = function() {
			return ctx.pageText;
		/** @param {string} pageText - Updated page text that will be saved when `save()` is called */
		this.setPageText = function(pageText) {
			ctx.editMode = 'all';
			ctx.pageText = pageText;
		/** @param {string} appendText - Text that will be appended to the page when `append()` is called */
		this.setAppendText = function(appendText) {
			ctx.editMode = 'append';
			ctx.appendText = appendText;
		/** @param {string} prependText - Text that will be prepended to the page when `prepend()` is called */
		this.setPrependText = function(prependText) {
			ctx.editMode = 'prepend';
			ctx.prependText = prependText;
		/** @param {string} newSectionText - Text that will be added in a new section on the page when `newSection()` is called */
		this.setNewSectionText = function(newSectionText) {
			ctx.editMode = 'new';
			ctx.newSectionText = newSectionText;
		 * @param {string} newSectionTitle - Title for the new section created when `newSection()` is called
		 * If missing, `ctx.editSummary` will be used. Issues may occur if a substituted template is used.
		this.setNewSectionTitle = function(newSectionTitle) {
			ctx.editMode = 'new';
			ctx.newSectionTitle = newSectionTitle;
		// Edit-related setter methods:
		 * Set the edit summary that will be used when `save()` is called.
		 * Unnecessary if editMode is 'new' and newSectionTitle is provided.
		 * @param {string} summary
		this.setEditSummary = function(summary) {
			ctx.editSummary = summary;
		 * Set any custom tag(s) to be applied to the API action.
		 * A number of actions don't support it, most notably watch, review,
		 * and stabilize ({@link|T247721}), and
		 * pagetriageaction ({@link|T252980}).
		 * @param {string|string[]} tags - String or array of tag(s).
		this.setChangeTags = function(tags) {
			ctx.changeTags = tags;
		 * @param {string} [createOption=null] - Can take the following four values:
		 * - recreate: create the page if it does not exist, or edit it if it exists.
		 * - createonly: create the page if it does not exist, but return an
		 * error if it already exists.
		 * - nocreate: don't create the page, only edit it if it already exists.
		 * - `null`: create the page if it does not exist, unless it was deleted
		 * in the moment between loading the page and saving the edit (default).
		this.setCreateOption = function(createOption) {
			ctx.createOption = createOption;
		/** @param {boolean} minorEdit - Set true to mark the edit as a minor edit. */
		this.setMinorEdit = function(minorEdit) {
			ctx.minorEdit = minorEdit;
		/** @param {boolean} botEdit - Set true to mark the edit as a bot edit */
		this.setBotEdit = function(botEdit) {
			ctx.botEdit = botEdit;
		 * @param {number} pageSection - Integer specifying the section number to load or save.
		 * If specified as `null`, the entire page will be retrieved.
		this.setPageSection = function(pageSection) {
			ctx.pageSection = pageSection;
		 * @param {number} maxConflictRetries - Number of retries for save errors involving an edit conflict or
		 * loss of token. Default: 2.
		this.setMaxConflictRetries = function(maxConflictRetries) {
			ctx.maxConflictRetries = maxConflictRetries;
		 * @param {number} maxRetries - Number of retries for save errors not involving an edit conflict or
		 * loss of token. Default: 2.
		this.setMaxRetries = function(maxRetries) {
			ctx.maxRetries = maxRetries;
		 * Set whether and how to watch the page, including setting an expiry.
		 * @param {boolean|string||Date} [watchlistOption=false] -
		 * Basically a mix of MW API and Twinkley options available pre-expiry:
		 * - `true`|`'yes'`|`'watch'`: page will be added to the user's
		 * watchlist when the action is called. Defaults to an indefinite
		 * watch unless `watchlistExpiry` is provided.
		 * - `false`|`'no'`|`'nochange'`: watchlist status of the page (including expiry) will not be changed.
		 * - `'default'`|`'preferences'`: watchlist status of the page will be
		 * set based on the user's preference settings when the action is
		 * called. Defaults to an indefinite watch unless `watchlistExpiry` is
		 * provided.
		 * - `'unwatch'`: explicitly unwatch the page.
		 * - Any other `string` or `number`, or a `` or `Date`
		 * object: watch page until the specified time, deferring to
		 * `watchlistExpiry` if provided.
		 * @param {string|number||Date} [watchlistExpiry=infinity] -
		 * A date-like string or number, or a date object.  If a string or number,
		 * can be relative (2 weeks) or other similarly date-like (i.e. NOT "potato"):
		 * ISO 8601: 2038-01-09T03:14:07Z
		 * MediaWiki: 20380109031407
		 * UNIX: 2147483647
		 * SQL: 2038-01-09 03:14:07
		 * Can also be `infinity` or infinity-like (`infinite`, `indefinite`, and `never`).
		 * See {@link;4e53b859a9580c55958078f46dd4f3a44d0fcaa0$57-109?as=source&blame=off}
		this.setWatchlist = function(watchlistOption, watchlistExpiry) {
			if (watchlistOption instanceof || watchlistOption instanceof Date) {
				watchlistOption = watchlistOption.toISOString();
			if (typeof watchlistExpiry === 'undefined') {
				watchlistExpiry = 'infinity';
			} else if (watchlistExpiry instanceof || watchlistExpiry instanceof Date) {
				watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry.toISOString();
			switch (watchlistOption) {
				case 'nochange':
				case 'no':
				case false:
				case undefined:
					ctx.watchlistOption = 'nochange';
					// The MW API allows for changing expiry with nochange (as "nochange" refers to the binary status),
					// but by keeping this null it will default to any existing expiry, ensure there is actually "no change."
					ctx.watchlistExpiry = null;
				case 'unwatch':
					// expiry unimportant
					ctx.watchlistOption = 'unwatch';
				case 'preferences':
				case 'default':
					ctx.watchlistOption = 'preferences';
					// The API allows an expiry here, but there is as of yet (T265716)
					// no expiry preference option, so it's a bit devoid of context.
					ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry;
				case 'watch':
				case 'yes':
				case true:
					ctx.watchlistOption = 'watch';
					ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry;
				default: // Not really a "default" per se but catches "any other string"
					ctx.watchlistOption = 'watch';
					ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistOption;
		 * Set a watchlist expiry. setWatchlist can mostly handle this by
		 * itself, so this is here largely for completeness and compatibility
		 * with the full suite of options.
		 * @param {string|number||Date} [watchlistExpiry=infinity] -
		 * A date-like string or number, or a date object.  If a string or number,
		 * can be relative (2 weeks) or other similarly date-like (i.e. NOT "potato"):
		 * ISO 8601: 2038-01-09T03:14:07Z
		 * MediaWiki: 20380109031407
		 * UNIX: 2147483647
		 * SQL: 2038-01-09 03:14:07
		 * Can also be `infinity` or infinity-like (`infinite`, `indefinite`, and `never`).
		 * See {@link;4e53b859a9580c55958078f46dd4f3a44d0fcaa0$57-109?as=source&blame=off}
		this.setWatchlistExpiry = function(watchlistExpiry) {
			if (typeof watchlistExpiry === 'undefined') {
				watchlistExpiry = 'infinity';
			} else if (watchlistExpiry instanceof || watchlistExpiry instanceof Date) {
				watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry.toISOString();
			ctx.watchlistExpiry = watchlistExpiry;
		 * @deprecated As of December 2020, use setWatchlist.
		 * @param {boolean} [watchlistOption=false] -
		 * - `True`: page watchlist status will be set based on the user's
		 * preference settings when `save()` is called.
		 * - `False`: watchlist status of the page will not be changed.
		 * Watchlist notes:
		 * 1. The MediaWiki API value of 'unwatch', which explicitly removes
		 * the page from the user's watchlist, is not used.
		 * 2. If both `setWatchlist()` and `setWatchlistFromPreferences()` are
		 * called, the last call takes priority.
		 * 3. Twinkle modules should use the appropriate preference to set the watchlist options.
		 * 4. Most Twinkle modules use `setWatchlist()`. `setWatchlistFromPreferences()`
		 * is only needed for the few Twinkle watchlist preferences that
		 * accept a string value of `default`.
		this.setWatchlistFromPreferences = function(watchlistOption) {
			console.warn('NOTE: was deprecated December 2020, please use setWatchlist'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
			if (watchlistOption) {
				ctx.watchlistOption = 'preferences';
			} else {
				ctx.watchlistOption = 'nochange';
		 * @param {boolean} [followRedirect=false] -
		 * - `true`: a maximum of one redirect will be followed. In the event
		 * of a redirect, a message is displayed to the user and the redirect
		 * target can be retrieved with getPageName().
		 * - `false`: (default) the requested pageName will be used without regard to any redirect.
		 * @param {boolean} [followCrossNsRedirect=true] - Not applicable if `followRedirect` is not set true.
		 * - `true`: (default) follow redirect even if it is a cross-namespace redirect
		 * - `false`: don't follow redirect if it is cross-namespace, edit the redirect itself.
		this.setFollowRedirect = function(followRedirect, followCrossNsRedirect) {
			if (ctx.pageLoaded) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: cannot change redirect setting after the page has been loaded!');
			ctx.followRedirect = followRedirect;
			ctx.followCrossNsRedirect = typeof followCrossNsRedirect !== 'undefined' ? followCrossNsRedirect : ctx.followCrossNsRedirect;
		// lookup-creation setter function
		 * @param {boolean} flag - If set true, the author and timestamp of
		 * the first non-redirect version of the page is retrieved.
		 * Warning:
		 * 1. If there are no revisions among the first 50 that are
		 * non-redirects, or if there are less 50 revisions and all are
		 * redirects, the original creation is retrieved.
		 * 2. Revisions that the user is not privileged to access
		 * (revdeled/suppressed) will be treated as non-redirects.
		 * 3. Must not be used when the page has a non-wikitext contentmodel
		 * such as Modulespace Lua or user JavaScript/CSS.
		this.setLookupNonRedirectCreator = function(flag) {
			ctx.lookupNonRedirectCreator = flag;
		// Move-related setter functions
		/** @param {string} destination */
		this.setMoveDestination = function(destination) {
			ctx.moveDestination = destination;
		/** @param {boolean} flag */
		this.setMoveTalkPage = function(flag) {
			ctx.moveTalkPage = !!flag;
		/** @param {boolean} flag */
		this.setMoveSubpages = function(flag) {
			ctx.moveSubpages = !!flag;
		/** @param {boolean} flag */
		this.setMoveSuppressRedirect = function(flag) {
			ctx.moveSuppressRedirect = !!flag;
		// Protect-related setter functions
		 * @param {string} level - The right required for the specific action
		 * e.g. autoconfirmed, sysop, templateeditor, extendedconfirmed
		 * (enWiki-only).
		 * @param {string} [expiry=infinity]
		this.setEditProtection = function(level, expiry) {
			ctx.protectEdit = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' };
		this.setMoveProtection = function(level, expiry) {
			ctx.protectMove = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' };
		this.setCreateProtection = function(level, expiry) {
			ctx.protectCreate = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' };
		this.setCascadingProtection = function(flag) {
			ctx.protectCascade = !!flag;
		this.suppressProtectWarning = function() {
			ctx.suppressProtectWarning = true;
		// Revert-related getters/setters:
		this.setOldID = function(oldID) {
			ctx.revertOldID = oldID;
		/** @returns {string} The current revision ID of the page */
		this.getCurrentID = function() {
			return ctx.revertCurID;
		/** @returns {string} Last editor of the page */
		this.getRevisionUser = function() {
			return ctx.revertUser;
		/** @returns {string} ISO 8601 timestamp at which the page was last edited. */
		this.getLastEditTime = function() {
			return ctx.lastEditTime;
		// Miscellaneous getters/setters:
		 * Define an object for use in a callback function.
		 * `callbackParameters` is for use by the caller only. The parameters
		 * allow a caller to pass the proper context into its callback
		 * function.  Callers must ensure that any changes to the
		 * callbackParameters object within a `load()` callback still permit a
		 * proper re-entry into the `load()` callback if an edit conflict is
		 * detected upon calling `save()`.
		 * @param {object} callbackParameters
		this.setCallbackParameters = function(callbackParameters) {
			ctx.callbackParameters = callbackParameters;
		 * @returns {object} - The object previously set by `setCallbackParameters()`.
		this.getCallbackParameters = function() {
			return ctx.callbackParameters;
		 * @param {Morebits.status} statusElement
		this.setStatusElement = function(statusElement) {
			ctx.statusElement = statusElement;
		 * @returns {Morebits.status} Status element created by the constructor.
		this.getStatusElement = function() {
			return ctx.statusElement;
		 * @param {string} level - The right required for edits not to require
		 * review. Possible options: none, autoconfirmed, review (not on enWiki).
		 * @param {string} [expiry=infinity]
		this.setFlaggedRevs = function(level, expiry) {
			ctx.flaggedRevs = { level: level, expiry: expiry || 'infinity' };
		 * @returns {boolean} True if the page existed on the wiki when it was last loaded.
		this.exists = function() {
			return ctx.pageExists;
		 * @returns {string} Page ID of the page loaded. 0 if the page doesn't
		 * exist.
		this.getPageID = function() {
			return ctx.pageID;
		 * @returns {string} - Content model of the page.  Possible values
		 * include (but may not be limited to): `wikitext`, `javascript`,
		 * `css`, `json`, `Scribunto`, `sanitized-css`, `MassMessageListContent`.
		 * Also gettable via `mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel')`.
		this.getContentModel = function() {
			return ctx.contentModel;
		 * @returns {boolean|string} - Watched status of the page. Boolean
		 * unless it's being watched temporarily, in which case returns the
		 * expiry string.
		this.getWatched = function () {
			return ctx.watched;
		 * @returns {string} ISO 8601 timestamp at which the page was last loaded.
		this.getLoadTime = function() {
			return ctx.loadTime;
		 * @returns {string} The user who created the page following `lookupCreation()`.
		this.getCreator = function() {
			return ctx.creator;
		 * @returns {string} The ISOString timestamp of page creation following `lookupCreation()`.
		this.getCreationTimestamp = function() {
			return ctx.timestamp;
		/** @returns {boolean} whether or not you can edit the page */
		this.canEdit = function() {
			return !!ctx.testActions && ctx.testActions.indexOf('edit') !== -1;
		 * Retrieves the username of the user who created the page as well as
		 * the timestamp of creation.  The username can be retrieved using the
		 * `getCreator()` function; the timestamp can be retrieved using the
		 * `getCreationTimestamp()` function.
		 * Prior to June 2019 known as `lookupCreator()`.
		 * @param {Function} onSuccess - Callback function to be called when
		 * the username and timestamp are found within the callback.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to be called when
		 * the lookup fails
		this.lookupCreation = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onLookupCreationSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onLookupCreationFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!onSuccess) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: no onSuccess callback provided to lookupCreation()!');
			var query = {
				action: 'query',
				prop: 'revisions',
				titles: ctx.pageName,
				rvlimit: 1,
				rvprop: 'user|timestamp',
				rvdir: 'newer',
				format: 'json'
			// Only the wikitext content model can reliably handle
			// rvsection, others return an error when paired with the
			// content rvprop. Relatedly, non-wikitext models don't
			// understand the #REDIRECT concept, so we shouldn't attempt
			// the redirect resolution in fnLookupCreationSuccess
			if (ctx.lookupNonRedirectCreator) {
				query.rvsection = 0;
				query.rvprop += '|content';
			if (ctx.followRedirect) {
				query.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects
			ctx.lookupCreationApi = new'抓取页面创建者信息', '抓取頁面建立者資訊'), query, fnLookupCreationSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLookupCreationFailure);
		 * Reverts a page to `revertOldID` set by `setOldID`.
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure.
		this.revert = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!ctx.revertOldID) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: revision ID to revert to was not set before revert!');
			ctx.editMode = 'revert';
			this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);
		 * Moves a page to another title.
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure.
		this.move = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onMoveSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onMoveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!, 'move', ctx.onMoveFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			if (!ctx.moveDestination) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: destination page name was not set before move!');
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('move')) {, this);
			} else {
				var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('move');
				ctx.moveApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), query, fnProcessMove, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onMoveFailure);
		 * Marks the page as patrolled, using `rcid` (if available) or `revid`.
		 * Patrolling as such doesn't need to rely on loading the page in
		 * question; simply passing a revid to the API is sufficient, so in
		 * those cases just using {@link} is probably preferable.
		 * No error handling since we don't actually care about the errors.
		this.patrol = function() {
			if (!Morebits.userIsSysop && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('patroller')) {
			// If a link is present, don't need to check if it's patrolled
			if ($('.patrollink').length) {
				var patrolhref = $('.patrollink a').attr('href');
				ctx.rcid = mw.util.getParamValue('rcid', patrolhref);
				fnProcessPatrol(this, this);
			} else {
				var patrolQuery = {
					action: 'query',
					prop: 'info',
					meta: 'tokens',
					type: 'patrol', // as long as we're querying, might as well get a token
					list: 'recentchanges', // check if the page is unpatrolled
					titles: ctx.pageName,
					rcprop: 'patrolled',
					rctitle: ctx.pageName,
					rclimit: 1,
					format: 'json'
				ctx.patrolApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), patrolQuery, fnProcessPatrol);
		 * Marks the page as reviewed by the PageTriage extension.
		 * Will, by it's nature, mark as patrolled as well. Falls back to
		 * patrolling if not in an appropriate namespace.
		 * Doesn't inherently rely on loading the page in question; simply
		 * passing a `pageid` to the API is sufficient, so in those cases just
		 * using {@link} is probably preferable.
		 * Will first check if the page is queued via
		 * {@link|fnProcessTriageList}.
		 * No error handling since we don't actually care about the errors.
		 * @see {@link} Referred to as "review" on-wiki.
		this.triage = function() {
			// Fall back to patrol if not a valid triage namespace
			if (mw.config.get('pageTriageNamespaces').indexOf(new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).getNamespaceId()) === -1) {
			} else {
				if (!Morebits.userIsSysop && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('patroller')) {
				// If on the page in question, don't need to query for page ID
				if (new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getPrefixedText() === new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).getPrefixedText()) {
					ctx.pageID = mw.config.get('wgArticleId');
					fnProcessTriageList(this, this);
				} else {
					var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('triage');
					ctx.triageApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), query, fnProcessTriageList);
		// |delete| is a reserved word in some flavours of JS
		 * Deletes a page (for admins only).
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure.
		this.deletePage = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onDeleteSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onDeleteFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!, 'delete', ctx.onDeleteFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('delete')) {, this);
			} else {
				var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('delete');
				ctx.deleteApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), query, fnProcessDelete, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onDeleteFailure);
		 * Undeletes a page (for admins only).
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure.
		this.undeletePage = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onUndeleteSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onUndeleteFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!, 'undelete', ctx.onUndeleteFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete')) {, this);
			} else {
				var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('undelete');
				ctx.undeleteApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), query, fnProcessUndelete, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onUndeleteFailure);
		 * Protects a page (for admins only).
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - Callback function to run on success.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - Callback function to run on failure.
		this.protect = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onProtectSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onProtectFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!, 'protect', ctx.onProtectFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			if (!ctx.protectEdit && !ctx.protectMove && !ctx.protectCreate) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: you must set edit and/or move and/or create protection before calling protect()!');
			// because of the way MW API interprets protection levels
			// (absolute, not differential), we always need to request
			// protection levels from the server
			var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('protect');
			ctx.protectApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), query, fnProcessProtect, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onProtectFailure);
		 * Apply FlaggedRevs protection settings.  Only works on wikis where
		 * the extension is installed (`$wgFlaggedRevsProtection = true`
		 * i.e. where FlaggedRevs settings appear on the "protect" tab).
		 * @see {@link}
		 * Referred to as "pending changes" on-wiki.
		 * @param {Function} [onSuccess]
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure]
		this.stabilize = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onStabilizeSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onStabilizeFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			if (!, 'FlaggedRevs', ctx.onStabilizeFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			if (!ctx.flaggedRevs) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: you must set flaggedRevs before calling stabilize()!');
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('stabilize')) {, this);
			} else {
				var query = fnNeedTokenInfoQuery('stabilize');
				ctx.stabilizeApi = new'获取令牌…', '取得權杖…'), query, fnProcessStabilize, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onStabilizeFailure);
		 * Private member functions
		 * These are not exposed outside
		 * Determines whether we can save an API call by using the csrf token
		 * sent with the page HTML, or whether we need to ask the server for
		 * more info (e.g. protection or watchlist expiry).
		 * Currently used for `append`, `prepend`, `newSection`, `move`,
		 * `stabilize`, `deletePage`, and `undeletePage`. Not used for
		 * `protect` since it always needs to request protection status.
		 * @param {string} [action=edit] - The action being undertaken, e.g.
		 * "edit" or "delete". In practice, only "edit" or "notedit" matters.
		 * @returns {boolean}
		var fnCanUseMwUserToken = function(action) {
			action = typeof action !== 'undefined' ? action : 'edit'; // IE doesn't support default parameters
			// If a watchlist expiry is set, we must always load the page
			// to avoid overwriting indefinite protection.  Of course, not
			// needed if setting indefinite watching!
			if (ctx.watchlistExpiry && !Morebits.string.isInfinity(ctx.watchlistExpiry)) {
				return false;
			// API-based redirect resolution only works for action=query and
			// action=edit in append/prepend/new modes
			if (ctx.followRedirect) {
				if (!ctx.followCrossNsRedirect) {
					return false; // must load the page to check for cross namespace redirects
				if (action !== 'edit' || (ctx.editMode === 'all' || ctx.editMode === 'revert')) {
					return false;
			// do we need to fetch the edit protection expiry?
			if (Morebits.userIsSysop && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning) {
				if (new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getPrefixedText() !== new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).getPrefixedText()) {
					return false;
				// wgRestrictionEdit is null on non-existent pages,
				// so this neatly handles nonexistent pages
				var editRestriction = mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit');
				if (!editRestriction || editRestriction.indexOf('sysop') !== -1) {
					return false;
			return !!mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
		 * When functions can't use
		 * {@link|fnCanUseMwUserToken}
		 * or require checking protection or watched status, maintain the query
		 * in one place. Used for {@link|delete},
		 * {@link|undelete},
		 * {@link*|protect},
		 * {@link|stabilize},
		 * and {@link|move}
		 * (basically, just not {@link|load}).
		 * @param {string} action - The action being undertaken, e.g. "edit" or
		 * "delete".
		 * @returns {object} Appropriate query.
		var fnNeedTokenInfoQuery = function(action) {
			var query = {
				action: 'query',
				meta: 'tokens',
				type: 'csrf',
				titles: ctx.pageName,
				prop: 'info',
				inprop: 'watched',
				format: 'json'
			// Protection not checked for flagged-revs or non-sysop moves
			if (action !== 'stabilize' && (action !== 'move' || Morebits.userIsSysop)) {
				query.inprop += '|protection';
			if (ctx.followRedirect && action !== 'undelete') {
				query.redirects = ''; // follow all redirects
			return query;
		// callback from loadSuccess() for append(), prepend(), and newSection() threads
		var fnAutoSave = function(pageobj) {, ctx.onSaveFailure);
		// callback from
		var fnLoadSuccess = function() {
			var response = ctx.loadApi.getResponse().query;
			if (!fnCheckPageName(response, ctx.onLoadFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			var page = response.pages[0], rev;
			ctx.pageExists = !page.missing;
			if (ctx.pageExists) {
				rev = page.revisions[0];
				ctx.lastEditTime = rev.timestamp;
				ctx.pageText = rev.content;
				ctx.pageID = page.pageid;
			} else {
				ctx.pageText = '';  // allow for concatenation, etc.
				ctx.pageID = 0; // nonexistent in response, matches wgArticleId
			ctx.csrfToken = response.tokens.csrftoken;
			if (!ctx.csrfToken) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('未能获取编辑令牌。', '未能取得編輯權杖。'));
			ctx.loadTime = ctx.loadApi.getResponse().curtimestamp;
			if (!ctx.loadTime) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('未能获取当前时间戳。', '未能取得當前時間戳。'));
			ctx.contentModel = page.contentmodel;
			ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched;
			// extract protection info, to alert admins when they are about to edit a protected page
			// Includes cascading protection
			if (Morebits.userIsSysop) {
				var editProt = {
					return pr.type === 'edit' && pr.level === 'sysop';
				if (editProt) {
					ctx.fullyProtected = editProt.expiry;
				} else {
					ctx.fullyProtected = false;
			ctx.revertCurID = page.lastrevid;
			var testactions = page.actions;
			ctx.testActions = []; // was null
			Object.keys(testactions).forEach(function(action) {
				if (testactions[action]) {
			if (ctx.editMode === 'revert') {
				ctx.revertCurID = rev && rev.revid;
				if (!ctx.revertCurID) {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('未能获取当前修订版本ID。', '未能取得目前修訂版本ID。'));
				ctx.revertUser = rev && rev.user;
				if (!ctx.revertUser) {
					if (rev && rev.userhidden) {  // username was RevDel'd or oversighted
						ctx.revertUser = wgULS('<用户名已隐藏>', '<使用者名稱已隱藏>');
					} else {
						ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('未能获取此修订版本的编辑者。', '未能取得此修訂版本的編輯者。'));
				// set revert edit summary
				ctx.editSummary = '[[WP:UNDO|取消]]由 ' + ctx.revertUser + ' 所做出的' + wgULS('修订 ', '修訂 ') + ctx.revertOldID + ':' + ctx.editSummary;
			ctx.pageLoaded = true;
			// alert("Generate edit conflict now");  // for testing edit conflict recovery logic
			ctx.onLoadSuccess(this);  // invoke callback
		// helper function to parse the page name returned from the API
		var fnCheckPageName = function(response, onFailure) {
			if (!onFailure) {
				onFailure = emptyFunction;
			var page = response.pages && response.pages[0];
			if (page) {
				// check for invalid titles
				if (page.invalid) {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('标题不合法:', '標題不合法:' + ctx.pageName));
					return false; // abort
				// retrieve actual title of the page after normalization and redirects
				var resolvedName = page.title;
				if (response.redirects) {
					// check for cross-namespace redirect:
					var origNs = new mw.Title(ctx.pageName).namespace;
					var newNs = new mw.Title(resolvedName).namespace;
					if (origNs !== newNs && !ctx.followCrossNsRedirect) {
						ctx.statusElement.error(ctx.pageName + wgULS('是跨命名空间重定向到', '是跨命名空間重新導向到') + resolvedName + wgULS(',略过', ',略過'));
						return false;
					// only notify user for redirects, not normalization
					new Morebits.status(wgULS('信息', '資訊'), wgULS('从 ', '從 ') + ctx.pageName + wgULS(' 重定向到 ', ' 重新導向到 ') + resolvedName);
				ctx.pageName = resolvedName; // update to redirect target or normalized name
			} else {
				// could be a circular redirect or other problem
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('不能解析页面的重定向:', '不能解析頁面的重新導向:') + ctx.pageName);
				// force error to stay on the screen;
				return false; // abort
			return true; // all OK
		 * Determine whether we should provide a watchlist expiry.  Will not
		 * do so if the page is currently permanently watched, or the current
		 * expiry is *after* the new, provided expiry.  Only handles strings
		 * recognized by {@link} or relative timeframes with
		 * unit it can process.  Relies on the fact that fnCanUseMwUserToken
		 * requires page loading if a watchlistexpiry is provided, so we are
		 * ensured of knowing the watch status by the use of this.
		 * @returns {boolean}
		var fnApplyWatchlistExpiry = function() {
			if (ctx.watchlistExpiry) {
				if (!ctx.watched || Morebits.string.isInfinity(ctx.watchlistExpiry)) {
					return true;
				} else if (typeof ctx.watched === 'string') {
					var newExpiry;
					// Attempt to determine if the new expiry is a
					// relative (e.g. `1 month`) or absolute datetime
					var rel = ctx.watchlistExpiry.split(' ');
					try {
						newExpiry = new[0], rel[1]);
					} catch (e) {
						newExpiry = new;
					// If the date is valid, only use it if it extends the current expiry
					if (newExpiry.isValid()) {
						if (newExpiry.isAfter(new {
							return true;
					} else {
						// If it's still not valid, hope it's a valid MW expiry format that
						// doesn't recognize, so just default to using it.
						// This will also include minor typos.
						return true;
			return false;
		// callback from
		var fnSaveSuccess = function() {
			ctx.editMode = 'all';  // cancel append/prepend/newSection/revert modes
			var response = ctx.saveApi.getResponse();
			// see if the API thinks we were successful
			if (response.edit.result === 'Success') {
				// real success
				// default on success action - display link for edited page
				var link = document.createElement('a');
				link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(ctx.pageName));
				link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ctx.pageName));['完成(', link, ')']);
				if (ctx.onSaveSuccess) {
					ctx.onSaveSuccess(this);  // invoke callback
			// errors here are only generated by extensions which hook APIEditBeforeSave within MediaWiki,
			// which as of 1.34.0-wmf.23 (Sept 2019) should only encompass captcha messages
			if (response.edit.captcha) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('不能保存页面,因维基服务器要求您输入验证码。', '不能儲存頁面,因維基伺服器要求您輸入驗證碼。'));
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('保存页面时由API得到未知错误', '儲存頁面時由API得到未知錯誤'));
			// force error to stay on the screen;
		// callback from
		var fnSaveError = function() {
			var errorCode = ctx.saveApi.getErrorCode();
			// check for edit conflict
			if (errorCode === 'editconflict' && ctx.conflictRetries++ < ctx.maxConflictRetries) {
				// edit conflicts can occur when the page needs to be purged from the server cache
				var purgeQuery = {
					action: 'purge',
					titles: ctx.pageName  // redirects are already resolved
				var purgeApi = new'检测到编辑冲突,正在更新服务器缓存', '檢測到編輯衝突,正在更新伺服器快取'), purgeQuery, function() {;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds'检测到编辑冲突,重试修改', '檢測到編輯衝突,重試修改'));
					if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {; // necessarily append, prepend, or newSection, so this should work as desired
					} else {; // reload the page and reapply the edit
				}, ctx.statusElement);;
			// check for network or server error
			} else if ((errorCode === null || errorCode === undefined) && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) {
				// the error might be transient, so try again'保存失败,在2秒后重试…', '儲存失敗,在2秒後重試…'));;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds
				// wait for sometime for client to regain connectivity
				sleep(2000).then(function() {; // give it another go!
			// hard error, give up
			} else {
				var response = ctx.saveApi.getResponse();
				var errorData = response.error || // bc error format
					response.errors[0].data; // html/wikitext/plaintext error format
				switch (errorCode) {
					case 'protectedpage':
						// non-admin attempting to edit a protected page - this gives a friendlier message than the default
						ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('不能保存修改:页面被保护', '不能儲存修改:頁面被保護'));
					case 'abusefilter-disallowed':
						ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('编辑被防滥用过滤器规则“', '編輯被防濫用過濾器規則「') + errorData.abusefilter.description + wgULS('”阻止。如果您认为您的该次编辑是有意义的,请至 Wikipedia:防滥用过滤器/错误报告 提报。', '」阻止。如果您認為您的該次編輯是有意義的,請至 Wikipedia:防濫用過濾器/錯誤報告 提報。'));
					case 'abusefilter-warning':
						ctx.statusElement.error([ wgULS('编辑被防滥用过滤器规则“', '編輯被防濫用過濾器規則「'), errorData.abusefilter.description, wgULS('”警告,如果您仍希望做出该编辑,请尝试重新提交,根据过滤器的设置您可能可以作出此编辑。', '」警告,如果您仍希望做出該編輯,請嘗試重新提交,根據過濾器的設定您可能可以作出此編輯。') ]);
						// We should provide the user with a way to automatically retry the action if they so choose -
						// I can't see how to do this without creating a UI dependency on though -- TTO
					case 'spamblacklist':
						// If multiple items are blacklisted, we only return the first
						var spam = errorData.spamblacklist.matches[0];
						ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('不能保存页面,因URL ', '不能儲存頁面,因URL ') + spam + wgULS(' 在垃圾链接黑名单中。', ' 在垃圾連結黑名單中。'));
						ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('不能保存修改:', '不能儲存修改:') + ctx.saveApi.getErrorText());
				ctx.editMode = 'all';  // cancel append/prepend/newSection/revert modes
				if (ctx.onSaveFailure) {
					ctx.onSaveFailure(this);  // invoke callback
		var isTextRedirect = function(text) {
			if (!text) { // no text - content empty or inaccessible (revdelled or suppressed)
				return false;
			return Morebits.l10n.redirectTagAliases.some(function(tag) {
				return new RegExp('^\\s*' + tag + '\\W', 'i').test(text);
		var fnLookupCreationSuccess = function() {
			var response = ctx.lookupCreationApi.getResponse().query;
			if (!fnCheckPageName(response, ctx.onLookupCreationFailure)) {
				return; // abort
			var rev = response.pages[0].revisions && response.pages[0].revisions[0];
			if (!rev) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法找到', '無法找到') + ctx.pageName + wgULS('的任何修订版本', '的任何修訂版本'));
			if (!ctx.lookupNonRedirectCreator || !isTextRedirect(rev.content)) {
				ctx.creator = rev.user;
				if (!ctx.creator) {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法获取页面创建者的名字', '無法取得頁面建立者的名字'));
				ctx.timestamp = rev.timestamp;
				if (!ctx.timestamp) {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法获取页面创建时间', '無法取得頁面建立時間'));
				}'已获取页面创建信息', '已取得頁面建立資訊'));
			} else {
				ctx.lookupCreationApi.query.rvlimit = 50; // modify previous query to fetch more revisions
				ctx.lookupCreationApi.query.titles = ctx.pageName; // update pageName if redirect resolution took place in earlier query
				ctx.lookupCreationApi = new'获取页面创建信息', '取得頁面建立資訊'), ctx.lookupCreationApi.query, fnLookupNonRedirectCreator, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLookupCreationFailure);
		var fnLookupNonRedirectCreator = function() {
			var response = ctx.lookupCreationApi.getResponse().query;
			var revs = response.pages[0].revisions;
			for (var i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) {
				if (!isTextRedirect(revs[i].content)) {
					ctx.creator = revs[i].user;
					ctx.timestamp = revs[i].timestamp;
			if (!ctx.creator) {
				// fallback to give first revision author if no non-redirect version in the first 50
				ctx.creator = revs[0].user;
				ctx.timestamp = revs[0].timestamp;
				if (!ctx.creator) {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法获取页面创建者的名字', '無法取得頁面建立者的名字'));
			if (!ctx.timestamp) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法获取页面创建时间', '無法取得頁面建立時間'));
			}'已获取页面创建信息', '已取得頁面建立資訊'));
		 * Common checks for action methods. Used for move, undelete, delete,
		 * protect, stabilize.
		 * @param {string} action - The action being checked.
		 * @param {string} onFailure - Failure callback.
		 * @returns {boolean}
		var fnPreflightChecks = function(action, onFailure) {
			// if a non-admin tries to do this, don't bother
			if (!Morebits.userIsSysop && action !== 'move') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法对页面进行“', '無法對頁面進行「') + action + wgULS('”操作:只有管理员可以进行此操作', '」操作:只有管理員可以進行此操作'));
				return false;
			if (!ctx.editSummary) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: ' + action + ' reason not set (use setEditSummary function)!');
				return false;
			return true; // all OK
		 * Common checks for fnProcess functions (`fnProcessDelete`, `fnProcessMove`, etc.
		 * Used for move, undelete, delete, protect, stabilize.
		 * @param {string} action - The action being checked.
		 * @param {string} onFailure - Failure callback.
		 * @param {string} response - The response document from the API call.
		 * @returns {boolean}
		var fnProcessChecks = function(action, onFailure, response) {
			var missing = response.pages[0].missing;
			// No undelete as an existing page could have deleted revisions
			var actionMissing = missing && ['delete', 'stabilize', 'move'].indexOf(action) !== -1;
			var protectMissing = action === 'protect' && missing && (ctx.protectEdit || ctx.protectMove);
			var saltMissing = action === 'protect' && !missing && ctx.protectCreate;
			if (actionMissing || protectMissing || saltMissing) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法对页面进行“', '無法對頁面進行「') + action + wgULS('”操作,因为页面', '」操作,因為頁面') + (missing ? '已不' : wgULS('已经', '已經')) + '存在');
				return false;
			// Delete, undelete, move
			// extract protection info
			var editprot;
			if (action === 'undelete') {
				editprot = response.pages[0].protection.filter(function(pr) {
					return pr.type === 'create' && pr.level === 'sysop';
			} else if (action === 'delete' || action === 'move') {
				editprot = response.pages[0].protection.filter(function(pr) {
					return pr.type === 'edit' && pr.level === 'sysop';
			if (editprot && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning &&
				!confirm(wgULS('您即将对全保护页面“', '您即將對全保護頁面「') + ctx.pageName +
				(editprot.expiry === 'infinity' ? wgULS('”(永久)', '」(永久)') : wgULS('”(到期:', '」(到期:') + new'utc') + ' (UTC))') +
				wgULS('”进行“', '」進行「') + action + wgULS('”操作', '」操作') +
				wgULS('。\n\n单击确定以继续操作,或单击取消以取消操作。', '。\n\n點擊確定以繼續操作,或點擊取消以取消操作。'))) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('已取消对全保护页面的操作。', '已取消對全保護頁面的操作。'));
				return false;
			if (!response.tokens.csrftoken) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法获取令牌。', '無法取得權杖。'));
				return false;
			return true; // all OK
		var fnProcessMove = function() {
			var pageTitle, token;
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('move')) {
				token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
				pageTitle = ctx.pageName;
			} else {
				var response = ctx.moveApi.getResponse().query;
				if (!fnProcessChecks('move', ctx.onMoveFailure, response)) {
					return; // abort
				token = response.tokens.csrftoken;
				var page = response.pages[0];
				pageTitle = page.title;
				ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched;
			var query = {
				action: 'move',
				from: pageTitle,
				to: ctx.moveDestination,
				token: token,
				reason: ctx.editSummary,
				watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption,
				format: 'json'
			if (ctx.changeTags) {
				query.tags = ctx.changeTags;
			if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) {
				query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry;
			if (ctx.moveTalkPage) {
				query.movetalk = 'true';
			if (ctx.moveSubpages) {
				query.movesubpages = 'true';
			if (ctx.moveSuppressRedirect) {
				query.noredirect = 'true';
			ctx.moveProcessApi = new'移动页面…', '移動頁面…'), query, ctx.onMoveSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onMoveFailure);
		var fnProcessPatrol = function() {
			var query = {
				action: 'patrol',
				format: 'json'
			// Didn't need to load the page
			if (ctx.rcid) {
				query.rcid = ctx.rcid;
				query.token = mw.user.tokens.get('patrolToken');
			} else {
				var response = ctx.patrolApi.getResponse().query;
				// Don't patrol if not unpatrolled
				if (!response.recentchanges[0].unpatrolled) {
				var lastrevid = response.pages[0].lastrevid;
				if (!lastrevid) {
				query.revid = lastrevid;
				var token = response.tokens.csrftoken;
				if (!token) {
				query.token = token;
			if (ctx.changeTags) {
				query.tags = ctx.changeTags;
			var patrolStat = new Morebits.status(wgULS('标记页面为已巡查', '標記頁面為已巡查'));
			ctx.patrolProcessApi = new'巡查页面…', '巡查頁面…'), query, null, patrolStat);
		// Ensure that the page is curatable
		var fnProcessTriageList = function() {
			if (ctx.pageID) {
				ctx.csrfToken = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
			} else {
				var response = ctx.triageApi.getResponse().query;
				ctx.pageID = response.pages[0].pageid;
				if (!ctx.pageID) {
				ctx.csrfToken = response.tokens.csrftoken;
				if (!ctx.csrfToken) {
			var query = {
				action: 'pagetriagelist',
				page_id: ctx.pageID,
				format: 'json'
			ctx.triageProcessListApi = new'checking curation status...', query, fnProcessTriage);
		// callback from
		var fnProcessTriage = function() {
			var responseList = ctx.triageProcessListApi.getResponse().pagetriagelist;
			// Exit if not in the queue
			if (!responseList || responseList.result !== 'success') {
			var page = responseList.pages && responseList.pages[0];
			// Do nothing if page already triaged/patrolled
			if (!page || !parseInt(page.patrol_status, 10)) {
				var query = {
					action: 'pagetriageaction',
					pageid: ctx.pageID,
					reviewed: 1,
					// tags: ctx.changeTags, // pagetriage tag support: [[phab:T252980]]
					// Could use an adder to modify/create note:
					// summaryAd, but that seems overwrought
					token: ctx.csrfToken,
					format: 'json'
				var triageStat = new Morebits.status('Marking page as curated');
				ctx.triageProcessApi = new'curating page...', query, null, triageStat);
		var fnProcessDelete = function() {
			var pageTitle, token;
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('delete')) {
				token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
				pageTitle = ctx.pageName;
			} else {
				var response = ctx.deleteApi.getResponse().query;
				if (!fnProcessChecks('delete', ctx.onDeleteFailure, response)) {
					return; // abort
				token = response.tokens.csrftoken;
				var page = response.pages[0];
				pageTitle = page.title;
				ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched;
			var query = {
				action: 'delete',
				title: pageTitle,
				token: token,
				reason: ctx.editSummary,
				watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption,
				format: 'json'
			if (ctx.changeTags) {
				query.tags = ctx.changeTags;
			if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) {
				query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry;
			ctx.deleteProcessApi = new'删除页面…', '刪除頁面…'), query, ctx.onDeleteSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnProcessDeleteError);
		// callback from
		var fnProcessDeleteError = function() {
			var errorCode = ctx.deleteProcessApi.getErrorCode();
			// check for "Database query error"
			if (errorCode === 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError' && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) {'数据库查询错误,重试', '資料庫查詢錯誤,重試'));;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds; // give it another go!
			} else if (errorCode === 'missingtitle') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('不能删除页面,因其已不存在', '不能刪除頁面,因其已不存在'));
				if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) {, ctx.deleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
			// hard error, give up
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法删除页面:', '無法刪除頁面:') + ctx.deleteProcessApi.getErrorText());
				if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) {, ctx.deleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
		var fnProcessUndelete = function() {
			var pageTitle, token;
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete')) {
				token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
				pageTitle = ctx.pageName;
			} else {
				var response = ctx.undeleteApi.getResponse().query;
				if (!fnProcessChecks('undelete', ctx.onUndeleteFailure, response)) {
					return; // abort
				token = response.tokens.csrftoken;
				var page = response.pages[0];
				pageTitle = page.title;
				ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched;
			var query = {
				action: 'undelete',
				title: pageTitle,
				token: token,
				reason: ctx.editSummary,
				watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption,
				format: 'json'
			if (ctx.changeTags) {
				query.tags = ctx.changeTags;
			if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) {
				query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry;
			ctx.undeleteProcessApi = new'还原页面…', '還原頁面…'), query, ctx.onUndeleteSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnProcessUndeleteError);
		// callback from
		var fnProcessUndeleteError = function() {
			var errorCode = ctx.undeleteProcessApi.getErrorCode();
			// check for "Database query error"
			if (errorCode === 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError') {
				if (ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) {'数据库查询错误,重试', '資料庫查詢錯誤,重試'));;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds; // give it another go!
				} else {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('持续的数据库查询错误,重新加载页面并重试', '持續的資料庫查詢錯誤,重新載入頁面並重試'));
					if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) {, ctx.undeleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
			} else if (errorCode === 'cantundelete') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法还原删除页面,因没有版本供还原或已被还原', '無法還原刪除頁面,因沒有版本供還原或已被還原'));
				if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) {, ctx.undeleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
			// hard error, give up
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法还原页面:', '無法還原頁面:') + ctx.undeleteProcessApi.getErrorText());
				if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) {, ctx.undeleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
		var fnProcessProtect = function() {
			var response = ctx.protectApi.getResponse().query;
			if (!fnProcessChecks('protect', ctx.onProtectFailure, response)) {
				return; // abort
			var token = response.tokens.csrftoken;
			var page = response.pages[0];
			var pageTitle = page.title;
			ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched;
			// Fetch existing protection levels
			var prs = response.pages[0].protection;
			var editprot, moveprot, createprot;
			prs.forEach(function(pr) {
				// Filter out protection from cascading
				if (pr.type === 'edit' && !pr.source) {
					editprot = pr;
				} else if (pr.type === 'move') {
					moveprot = pr;
				} else if (pr.type === 'create') {
					createprot = pr;
			// Fall back to current levels if not explicitly set
			if (!ctx.protectEdit && editprot) {
				ctx.protectEdit = { level: editprot.level, expiry: editprot.expiry };
			if (!ctx.protectMove && moveprot) {
				ctx.protectMove = { level: moveprot.level, expiry: moveprot.expiry };
			if (!ctx.protectCreate && createprot) {
				ctx.protectCreate = { level: createprot.level, expiry: createprot.expiry };
			// Default to pre-existing cascading protection if unchanged (similar to above)
			if (ctx.protectCascade === null) {
				ctx.protectCascade = !!prs.filter(function(pr) {
					return pr.cascade;
			// Warn if cascading protection being applied with an invalid protection level,
			// which for edit protection will cause cascading to be silently stripped
			if (ctx.protectCascade) {
				// On move protection, this is technically stricter than the MW API,
				// but seems reasonable to avoid dumb values and misleading log entries (T265626)
				if (((!ctx.protectEdit || ctx.protectEdit.level !== 'sysop') ||
					(!ctx.protectMove || ctx.protectMove.level !== 'sysop')) &&
					!confirm(wgULS('您已对“', '您已對「') + ctx.pageName + wgULS('”启用了连锁保护', '」啟用了連鎖保護') +
					wgULS(',但没有设置仅管理员的保护级别。\n\n', ',但沒有設定僅管理員的保護級別。\n\n') +
					wgULS('单击确认以自动调整并继续连锁全保护,单击取消以跳过此操作', '點擊確認以自動調整並繼續連鎖全保護,點擊取消以跳過此操作'))) {
					ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('连锁保护已取消。', '連鎖保護已取消。'));
				ctx.protectEdit.level = 'sysop';
				ctx.protectMove.level = 'sysop';
			// Build protection levels and expirys (expiries?) for query
			var protections = [], expirys = [];
			if (ctx.protectEdit) {
				protections.push('edit=' + ctx.protectEdit.level);
			if (ctx.protectMove) {
				protections.push('move=' + ctx.protectMove.level);
			if (ctx.protectCreate) {
				protections.push('create=' + ctx.protectCreate.level);
			var query = {
				action: 'protect',
				title: pageTitle,
				token: token,
				protections: protections.join('|'),
				expiry: expirys.join('|'),
				reason: ctx.editSummary,
				watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption,
				format: 'json'
			// Only shows up in logs, not page history [[phab:T259983]]
			if (ctx.changeTags) {
				query.tags = ctx.changeTags;
			if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) {
				query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry;
			if (ctx.protectCascade) {
				query.cascade = 'true';
			ctx.protectProcessApi = new'保护页面…', '保護頁面…'), query, ctx.onProtectSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onProtectFailure);
		var fnProcessStabilize = function() {
			var pageTitle, token;
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('stabilize')) {
				token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
				pageTitle = ctx.pageName;
			} else {
				var response = ctx.stabilizeApi.getResponse().query;
				// 'stabilize' as a verb not necessarily well understood
				if (!fnProcessChecks('stabilize', ctx.onStabilizeFailure, response)) {
					return; // abort
				token = response.tokens.csrftoken;
				var page = response.pages[0];
				pageTitle = page.title;
				// Doesn't support watchlist expiry [[phab:T263336]]
				// ctx.watched = page.watchlistexpiry || page.watched;
			var query = {
				action: 'stabilize',
				title: pageTitle,
				token: token,
				protectlevel: ctx.flaggedRevs.level,
				expiry: ctx.flaggedRevs.expiry,
				// tags: ctx.changeTags, // flaggedrevs tag support: [[phab:T247721]]
				reason: ctx.editSummary,
				watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption,
				format: 'json'
			/* Doesn't support watchlist expiry [[phab:T263336]]
			if (fnApplyWatchlistExpiry()) {
				query.watchlistexpiry = ctx.watchlistExpiry;
			ctx.stabilizeProcessApi = new'configuring stabilization settings...', query, ctx.onStabilizeSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onStabilizeFailure);
		var sleep = function(milliseconds) {
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			setTimeout(deferred.resolve, milliseconds);
			return deferred;
	}; // end
	/* TODO: (XXX)
	* - Should we retry loads also?
	* - Need to reset current action before the save?
	* - Deal with action.completed stuff
	* - Need to reset all parameters once done (e.g. edit summary, move destination, etc.)
	 * **************** ****************
	 * zhwikI: 目前只有两个功能:添加讨论和编辑描述。
	 * 由于Flow讨论板不同于普通页面,各贴是相对独立的页面,因此page的API与类型的设计
	 * 并不完全适用于Flow页面。如果需要更多功能,可能需要重构orz。
	 * Callers are not permitted to directly access the properties of this class!
	 * All property access is through the appropriate get___() or set___() method.
	 * Callers should set and
	 * before the first call to and
	 * Each of the callback functions takes one parameter, which is a
	 * reference to the object that registered the callback.
	 * Callback functions may invoke any prototype method using this reference.
	 * 公有方法:
	 * check(title, callbackOnFlow, callbackOnNonFlow, onError): 检查一个标题是否为Flow页面
	 *     title - 页面标题
	 *     callbackOnFlow - 回调函数,确认为Flow页面时调用
	 *     callbackOnNonFlow - 回调函数,确认不是Flow页面时调用
	 *     onError - 调用API发生错误时的回调函数
	 * relevantUserName(): 如果没有Flow,直接用mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')就行了。
	 * Constructor:, currentAction)
	 *    pageName - the name of the page, prefixed by the namespace (if any)
	 *               (for the current page, use mw.config.get('wgPageName'))。现在请勿使用Topic:xxxxx。
	 *    currentAction - a string describing the action about to be undertaken (optional)
	 * newTopic(onSuccess, onFailure): 向讨论中加入新留言.
	 *    onSuccess - callback function which is called when the save has succeeded (optional)
	 *    onFailure - callback function which is called when the save fails (optional)
	 * viewHeader(onSuccess, onFailure): 加载Flow讨论页描述。
	 *    onSuccess - callback function which is called when the method has succeeded (optional)
	 *    onFailure - callback function which is called when the method fails (optional)
	 * editHeader(onSuccess, onFailure): 编辑Flow讨论页描述。请先调用loadHeader()
	 *    onSuccess - callback function which is called when the method has succeeded (optional)
	 *    onFailure - callback function which is called when the method fails (optional)
	 * getHeader(): 返回Flow讨论页描述。需要先调用loadHeader()
	 * setHeader(header)
	 *    header - Flow讨论页描述
	 * setTopic(topic)
	 *    topic - 新讨论的标题
	 * setContent(content)
	 *    content - 新讨论的内容,wikicode
	 * setCallbackParameters(callbackParameters)
	 *    callbackParameters - an object for use in a callback function
	 * getCallbackParameters(): returns the object previous set by setCallbackParameters()
	 *    Callback notes: callbackParameters is for use by the caller only. The parameters
	 *                    allow a caller to pass the proper context into its callback function.
	 *                    Callers must ensure that any changes to the callbackParameters object
	 *                    within a load() callback still permit a proper re-entry into the
	 *                    load() callback if an edit conflict is detected upon calling save().
	 */ = function(pageName, currentAction) {
		if (!currentAction) {
			currentAction = wgULS('打开页面“', '打開頁面「') + pageName + wgULS('”', '」');
		 * Private context variables
		 * This context is not visible to the outside, thus all the data here
		 * must be accessed via getter and setter functions.
		var ctx = {
			// backing fields for public properties
			pageName: pageName,
			// isFlow: null,
			callbackParameters: null,
			statusElement: new Morebits.status(currentAction),
			// - edit
			header: null,
			headerLastRevision: null,
			topic: null,
			content: null,
			//        watchlistOption: 'nochange',
			// internal status
			headerLoaded: false,
			editToken: null,
			// loadTime: null,
			// lastEditTime: null,
			// revertCurID: null,
			// revertUser: null,
			fullyProtected: false,
			suppressProtectWarning: false,
			// conflictRetries: 0,
			// retries: 0,
			// callbacks
			onNewTopicSuccess: null,
			onNewTopicFailure: null,
			onViewHeaderSuccess: null,
			onViewHeaderFailure: null,
			onEditHeaderSuccess: null,
			onEditHeaderFailure: null,
			// internal objects
			newTopicApi: null,
			viewHeaderApi: null,
			editHeaderApi: null
		var emptyFunction = function() { };
		 * Public interface accessors
		this.getPageName = function() {
			return ctx.pageName;
		this.getHeader = function() {
			return ctx.header;
		this.setHeader = function(header) {
			ctx.header = header;
		this.getTopic = function() {
			return ctx.topic;
		this.setTopic = function(topic) {
			ctx.topic = topic;
		this.getContent = function() {
			return ctx.content;
		this.setContent = function(content) {
			ctx.content = content;
		this.setCallbackParameters = function(callbackParameters) {
			ctx.callbackParameters = callbackParameters;
		this.getCallbackParameters = function() {
			return ctx.callbackParameters;
		this.getStatusElement = function() {
			return ctx.statusElement;
		// Save updated .pageText to Wikipedia
		// Only valid after successful .load()
		this.newTopic = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onNewTopicSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onNewTopicFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			var query = {
				action: 'flow',
				page: ctx.pageName,
				token: mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
				submodule: 'new-topic',
				nttopic: ctx.topic,
				ntcontent: ctx.content,
				ntformat: 'wikitext'
			ctx.newTopicApi = new'留言…', query, fnNewTopicSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnNewTopicError);
		this.viewHeader = function (onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onViewHeaderSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onViewHeaderFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			// header: null,
			// headerLastRevision: null,
			// headerLoaded
			if (!onSuccess) {
			var query = {
				action: 'flow',
				submodule: 'view-header',
				page: ctx.pageName,
				vhformat: 'wikitext'
			ctx.viewHeaderApi = new'抓取Flow描述…', query, fnViewHeaderSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onViewHeaderFailure);
		this.editHeader = function (onSuccess, onFailure) {
			ctx.onEditHeaderSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onEditHeaderFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			var query = {
				action: 'flow',
				page: ctx.pageName,
				token: mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
				submodule: 'edit-header',
				ehprev_revision: ctx.headerLastRevision,
				ehcontent: ctx.header,
				ehformat: 'wikitext'
			ctx.editHeaderApi = new'编辑Flow讨论页描述…', '編輯Flow討論頁描述…'), query, fnEditHeaderSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnEditHeaderError);
		/* Private member functions
		 * These are not exposed outside
		// callback from
		var fnNewTopicSuccess = function() {
			var xml = ctx.newTopicApi.getXML();
			if ($(xml).find('new-topic').attr('status') === 'ok') {
				var link = document.createElement('a');
				link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(ctx.pageName));
				link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ctx.pageName));['完成(', link, ')']);
				if (ctx.onNewTopicSuccess) {
					ctx.onNewTopicSuccess(this);  // invoke callback
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('保存页面时由API得到未知错误', '儲存頁面時由API得到未知錯誤'));
				// force error to stay on the screen;
		// callback from
		var fnNewTopicError = function() {
			var errorCode = ctx.newTopicApi.getErrorCode();
			if (errorCode === 'invalid-page') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('内部错误:不是Flow页面,无法留言', '內部錯誤:不是Flow頁面,無法留言'));
			} else if (errorCode === 'block') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法留言,因讨论页被保护', '無法留言,因討論頁被保護'));
			} else if (errorCode === 'spamfilter') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法留言,因为需要验证码或已经触发URL黑名单', '無法留言,因為需要驗證碼或已經觸發URL黑名單'));
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('留言时由API得到未知错误', '留言時由API得到未知錯誤'));
			if (ctx.onNewTopicFailure) {
				ctx.onNewTopicFailure(this);  // invoke callback
		var fnViewHeaderSuccess = function() {
			var xml = ctx.viewHeaderApi.getXML();
			ctx.header = $(xml).find('content').attr('content');
			ctx.headerLastRevision = $(xml).find('revision').attr('revisionId');
			ctx.headerLoaded = true;
		var fnEditHeaderSuccess = function() {
			var xml = ctx.editHeaderApi.getXML();
			if ($(xml).find('edit-header').attr('status') === 'ok') {'完成');
				ctx.headerLastRevision = $(xml).find('header').attr('header-revision-id');
				if (ctx.onEditHeaderSuccess) {
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('保存Flow讨论页描述时由API得到未知错误', '儲存Flow討論頁描述時由API得到未知錯誤'));
				// force error to stay on the screen;
		var fnEditHeaderError = function() {
			var errorCode = ctx.editHeaderApi.getErrorCode();
			if (errorCode === 'invalid-page') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('内部错误:不是Flow页面,无法编辑描述', '內部錯誤:不是Flow頁面,無法編輯描述'));
			} else if (errorCode === 'block') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法编辑描述,因讨论页被保护', '無法編輯描述,因討論頁被保護'));
			} else if (errorCode === 'spamfilter') {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('无法编辑描述,因为需要验证码或已经触发URL黑名单', '無法編輯描述,因為需要驗證碼或已經觸發URL黑名單'));
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('编辑描述时由API得到未知错误', '編輯描述時由API得到未知錯誤'));
			if (ctx.onEditHeaderFailure) {
				ctx.onEditHeaderFailure(this);  // invoke callback
	 * zhwiki: Check page is flow
	 * @param {string} title
	 * @param {function} callbackOnFlow
	 * @param {function} callbackOnNonFlow
	 * @param {function} onError
	 */ = function(title, callbackOnFlow, callbackOnNonFlow, onError) {
		var callback = function (obj) {
			var responseXML = obj.responseXML;
			var pages = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('page');
			if (pages.length > 0) {
				var model = pages[0].getAttribute('contentmodel');
				if (model === 'flow-board') {'完成');
					if (typeof callbackOnFlow === 'function') {
				} else if (model !== null) {'完成');
					if (typeof callbackOnNonFlow === 'function') {
				} else {
					if (typeof onError === 'function') {
			} else {
				if (typeof onError === 'function') {
		var statusElement = new Morebits.status(wgULS('检查是否为Flow页面', '檢查是否為Flow頁面'));
		var checkApi = new'查询页面信息', '查詢頁面資訊'), {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'info',
			titles: title
		}, callback, statusElement, onError);;
	}; // end
	 * zhwiki: Get username from flow pages
	 * @param {boolean} [allowBlock=false]
	 * @returns {string}
	 */ = function (allowBlock) {
		// 处理Flow页面的问题
		var name = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
		if (name) {
			return name;
		} else if (mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'flow-board') {
			var title = $('a', '#contentSub').attr('title');
			if (title && title.indexOf('User talk:') === 0) {
				return title.replace(/^User talk:([^/]+).*$/, '$1');
			return null;
		} else if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Contributions') {
			if ($('#contentSub').find('a[title^="Special:日志/block"]').length && allowBlock) {
				var link = $('#contentSub').find('a[title^="Special:日志/block"]')[0].href;
				return mw.util.getParamValue('page', link).replace('User:', '');
		return null;
	/* **************** **************** */
	 * Use the API to parse a fragment of wikitext and render it as HTML.
	 * The suggested implementation pattern (in {@link Morebits.simpleWindow} and
	 * {@link Morebits.quickForm} situations) is to construct a
	 * `` object after rendering a `Morebits.quickForm`, and
	 * bind the object to an arbitrary property of the form (e.g. |previewer|).
	 * For an example, see twinklewarn.js.
	 * @memberof
	 * @class
	 * @param {HTMLElement} previewbox - The element that will contain the rendered HTML,
	 * usually a <div> element.
	 */ = function(previewbox) {
		this.previewbox = previewbox;
		 * Displays the preview box, and begins an asynchronous attempt
		 * to render the specified wikitext.
		 * @param {string} wikitext - Wikitext to render; most things should work, including `subst:` and `~~~~`.
		 * @param {string} [pageTitle] - Optional parameter for the page this should be rendered as being on, if omitted it is taken as the current page.
		 * @param {string} [sectionTitle] - If provided, render the text as a new section using this as the title.
		 * @returns {jQuery.promise}
		this.beginRender = function(wikitext, pageTitle, sectionTitle) {
			var statusspan = document.createElement('span');
			// zhwiki: 如果页面不是wikitext(例如用户js/css、Flow等),那么找一个wikitext页面来预览。
			var pageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
			if (mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') !== 'wikitext') {
				pageName = 'Draft:' + pageName;
			var query = {
				action: 'parse',
				prop: ['text', 'modules'],
				pst: true,  // PST = pre-save transform; this makes substitution work properly
				preview: true,
				text: wikitext,
				title: pageTitle || pageName, // zhwiki
				disablelimitreport: true,
				disableeditsection: true,
				uselang: mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'), // zhwiki: Use wgUserLanguage for preview
				format: 'json'
			if (sectionTitle) {
				query.section = 'new';
				query.sectiontitle = sectionTitle;
			var renderApi = new'加载中…', '載入中…'), query, fnRenderSuccess, new Morebits.status(wgULS('预览', '預覽')));;
		var fnRenderSuccess = function(apiobj) {
			var response = apiobj.getResponse();
			var html = response.parse.text;
			if (!html) {
				apiobj.statelem.error(wgULS('加载预览失败,或模板为空', '載入預覽失敗,或模板為空'));
			previewbox.innerHTML = html;
			// this makes links open in new tab
			$(previewbox).find('a').attr('target', '_blank');
		/** Hides the preview box and clears it. */
		this.closePreview = function() {
	/* **************** Morebits.wikitext **************** */
	 * Wikitext manipulation.
	 * @namespace Morebits.wikitext
	 * @memberof Morebits
	Morebits.wikitext = {};
	 * Get the value of every parameter found in the wikitext of a given template.
	 * @memberof Morebits.wikitext
	 * @param {string} text - Wikitext containing a template.
	 * @param {number} [start=0] - Index noting where in the text the template begins.
	 * @returns {object} `{name: templateName, parameters: {key: value}}`.
	Morebits.wikitext.parseTemplate = function(text, start) {
		start = start || 0;
		var level = []; // Track of how deep we are ({{, {{{, or [[)
		var count = -1;  // Number of parameters found
		var unnamed = 0; // Keep track of what number an unnamed parameter should receive
		var equals = -1; // After finding "=" before a parameter, the index; otherwise, -1
		var current = '';
		var result = {
			name: '',
			parameters: {}
		var key, value;
		 * Function to handle finding parameter values.
		 * @param {boolean} [final=false] - Whether this is the final
		 * parameter and we need to remove the trailing `}}`.
		function findParam(final) {
			// Nothing found yet, this must be the template name
			if (count === -1) { = current.substring(2).trim();
			} else {
				// In a parameter
				if (equals !== -1) {
					// We found an equals, so save the parameter as key: value
					key = current.substring(0, equals).trim();
					value = final ? current.substring(equals + 1, current.length - 2).trim() : current.substring(equals + 1).trim();
					result.parameters[key] = value;
					equals = -1;
				} else {
					// No equals, so it must be unnamed; no trim since whitespace allowed
					var param = final ? current.substring(equals + 1, current.length - 2) : current;
					if (param) {
						result.parameters[++unnamed] = param;
		for (var i = start; i < text.length; ++i) {
			var test3 = text.substr(i, 3);
			if (test3 === '{{{' || (test3 === '}}}' && level[level.length - 1] === 3)) {
				current += test3;
				i += 2;
				if (test3 === '{{{') {
				} else {
			var test2 = text.substr(i, 2);
			// Entering a template (or link)
			if (test2 === '{{' || test2 === '[[') {
				current += test2;
				if (test2 === '{{') {
				} else {
			// Either leaving a link or template/parser function
			if ((test2 === '}}' && level[level.length - 1] === 2) ||
				(test2 === ']]' && level[level.length - 1] === 'wl')) {
				current += test2;
				// Find the final parameter if this really is the end
				if (test2 === '}}' && level.length === 0) {
			if (text.charAt(i) === '|' && level.length === 1) {
				// Another pipe found, toplevel, so parameter coming up!
				current = '';
			} else if (equals === -1 && text.charAt(i) === '=' && level.length === 1) {
				// Equals found, toplevel
				equals = current.length;
				current += text.charAt(i);
			} else {
				// Just advance the position
				current += text.charAt(i);
		return result;
	 * Adjust and manipulate the wikitext of a page.
	 * @class
	 * @memberof Morebits.wikitext
	 * @param {string} text - Wikitext to be manipulated.
	 */ = function mediawikiPage(text) {
		this.text = text;
	}; = {
		text: '',
		 * Removes links to `link_target` from the page text.
		 * @param {string} link_target
		 * @returns {}
		removeLink: function(link_target) {
			var mwTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(link_target);
			var namespaceID = mwTitle.getNamespaceId();
			var title = mwTitle.getMainText();
			var link_regex_string = '';
			if (namespaceID !== 0) {
				link_regex_string = Morebits.namespaceRegex(namespaceID) + ':';
			link_regex_string += Morebits.pageNameRegex(title);
			// For most namespaces, unlink both [[User:Test]] and [[:User:Test]]
			// For files and categories, only unlink [[:Category:Test]]. Do not unlink [[Category:Test]]
			var isFileOrCategory = [6, 14].indexOf(namespaceID) !== -1;
			var colon = isFileOrCategory ? ':' : ':?';
			var simple_link_regex = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + colon + '(' + link_regex_string + ')\\]\\]', 'g');
			var piped_link_regex = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + colon + link_regex_string + '\\|(.+?)\\]\\]', 'g');
			this.text = this.text.replace(simple_link_regex, '$1').replace(piped_link_regex, '$1');
			return this;
		 * Comments out images from page text; if used in a gallery, deletes the whole line.
		 * If used as a template argument (not necessarily with `File:` prefix), the template parameter is commented out.
		 * @param {string} image - Image name without `File:` prefix.
		 * @param {string} [reason] - Reason to be included in comment, alongside the commented-out image.
		 * @returns {}
		commentOutImage: function(image, reason) {
			var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(this.text);
			unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->');
			reason = reason ? reason + ': ' : '';
			var image_re_string = Morebits.pageNameRegex(image);
			// Check for normal image links, i.e. [[File:Foobar.png|...]]
			// Will eat the whole link
			var links_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*' + image_re_string + '\\s*[\\|(?:\\]\\])]');
			var allLinks = Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(unbinder.content, '[[', ']]');
			for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) {
				if (links_re.test(allLinks[i])) {
					var replacement = '<!-- ' + reason + allLinks[i] + ' -->';
					unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(allLinks[i], replacement);
					// unbind the newly created comments
					unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->');
			// Check for gallery images, i.e. instances that must start on a new line,
			// eventually preceded with some space, and must include File: prefix
			// Will eat the whole line.
			var gallery_image_re = new RegExp('(^\\s*' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*' + image_re_string + '\\s*(?:\\|.*?$|$))', 'mg');
			unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(gallery_image_re, '<!-- ' + reason + '$1 -->');
			// unbind the newly created comments
			unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->');
			// Check free image usages, for example as template arguments, might have the File: prefix excluded, but must be preceded by an |
			// Will only eat the image name and the preceding bar and an eventual named parameter
			var free_image_re = new RegExp('(\\|\\s*(?:[\\w\\s]+\\=)?\\s*(?:' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*)?' + image_re_string + ')', 'mg');
			unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(free_image_re, '<!-- ' + reason + '$1 -->');
			// Rebind the content now, we are done!
			this.text = unbinder.rebind();
			return this;
		 * Converts uses of [[File:`image`]] to [[File:`image`|`data`]].
		 * @param {string} image - Image name without File: prefix.
		 * @param {string} data - The display options.
		 * @returns {}
		addToImageComment: function(image, data) {
			var image_re_string = Morebits.pageNameRegex(image);
			var links_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(6) + ':\\s*' + image_re_string + '\\s*[\\|(?:\\]\\])]');
			var allLinks = Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(this.text, '[[', ']]');
			for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) {
				if (links_re.test(allLinks[i])) {
					var replacement = allLinks[i];
					// just put it at the end?
					replacement = replacement.replace(/\]\]$/, '|' + data + ']]');
					this.text = this.text.replace(allLinks[i], replacement);
			var gallery_re = new RegExp('^(\\s*' + image_re_string + '.*?)\\|?(.*?)$', 'mg');
			var newtext = '$1|$2 ' + data;
			this.text = this.text.replace(gallery_re, newtext);
			return this;
		 * Remove all transclusions of a template from page text.
		 * @param {string} template - Page name whose transclusions are to be removed,
		 * include namespace prefix only if not in template namespace.
		 * @returns {}
		removeTemplate: function(template) {
			var template_re_string = Morebits.pageNameRegex(template);
			var links_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{(?:' + Morebits.namespaceRegex(10) + ':)?\\s*' + template_re_string + '\\s*[\\|(?:\\}\\})]');
			var allTemplates = Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(this.text, '{{', '}}', [ '{{{', '}}}' ]);
			for (var i = 0; i < allTemplates.length; ++i) {
				if (links_re.test(allTemplates[i])) {
					this.text = this.text.replace(allTemplates[i], '');
			return this;
		 * Smartly insert a tag atop page text but after specified templates,
		 * such as hatnotes, short description, or deletion and protection templates.
		 * Notably, does *not* insert a newline after the tag.
		 * @param {string} tag - The tag to be inserted.
		 * @param {string|string[]} regex - Templates after which to insert tag,
		 * given as either as a (regex-valid) string or an array to be joined by pipes.
		 * @param {string} [flags=i] - Regex flags to apply.  `''` to provide no flags;
		 * other falsey values will default to `i`.
		 * @param {string|string[]} [preRegex] - Optional regex string or array to match
		 * before any template matches (i.e. before `{{`), such as html comments.
		 * @returns {}
		insertAfterTemplates: function(tag, regex, flags, preRegex) {
			if (typeof tag === 'undefined') {
				throw new Error('No tag provided');
			// .length is only a property of strings and arrays so we
			// shouldn't need to check type
			if (typeof regex === 'undefined' || !regex.length) {
				throw new Error('No regex provided');
			} else if (Array.isArray(regex)) {
				regex = regex.join('|');
			if (typeof flags !== 'string') {
				flags = 'i';
			if (!preRegex || !preRegex.length) {
				preRegex = '';
			} else if (Array.isArray(preRegex)) {
				preRegex = preRegex.join('|');
			// Regex is extra complicated to allow for templates with
			// parameters and to handle whitespace properly
			this.text = this.text.replace(
				new RegExp(
					// leading whitespace
					'^\\s*' +
					// capture template(s)
					'(?:((?:\\s*' +
					// Pre-template regex, such as leading html comments
					preRegex + '|' +
					// begin template format
					'\\{\\{\\s*(?:' +
					// Template regex
					regex +
					// end main template name, optionally with a number
					// Probably remove the (?:) though
					')\\d*\\s*' +
					// template parameters
					'(\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?' +
					// end template format
					'\\}\\})+' +
					// end capture
					'(?:\\s*\\n)?)' +
					// trailing whitespace
					flags), '$1' + tag
			return this;
		 * Get the manipulated wikitext.
		 * @returns {string}
		getText: function() {
			return this.text;
	/* *********** Morebits.userspaceLogger ************ */
	 * Handles logging actions to a userspace log.
	 * Used in CSD, PROD, and XFD.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} logPageName - Title of the subpage of the current user's log.
	Morebits.userspaceLogger = function(logPageName) {
		if (!logPageName) {
			throw new Error('no log page name specified');
		 * The text to prefix the log with upon creation, defaults to empty.
		 * @type {string}
		this.initialText = '';
		 * The header level to use for months, defaults to 3 (`===`).
		 * @type {number}
		this.headerLevel = 3;
		this.changeTags = '';
		 * Log the entry.
		 * @param {string} logText - Doesn't include leading `#` or `*`.
		 * @param {string} summaryText - Edit summary.
		 * @returns {JQuery.Promise}
		this.log = function(logText, summaryText) {
			var def = $.Deferred();
			if (!logText) {
				return def.reject();
			var page = new'User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/' + logPageName,
				wgULS('将项目加入到用户空间日志', '將項目加入到使用者空間日誌')); // make this '... to ' + logPageName ?
			page.load(function(pageobj) {
				// add blurb if log page doesn't exist or is blank
				var text = pageobj.getPageText() || this.initialText;
				// create monthly header if it doesn't exist already
				var date = new;
				if (!date.monthHeaderRegex().exec(text)) {
					text += '\n\n' + date.monthHeader(this.headerLevel);
				pageobj.setPageText(text + '\n' + logText);
				pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate');, def.reject);
			return def;
	/* **************** Morebits.status **************** */
	 * Create and show status messages of varying urgency.
	 * {@link Morebits.status.init|Morebits.status.init()} must be called before
	 * any status object is created, otherwise those statuses won't be visible.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} text - Text before the the colon `:`.
	 * @param {string} stat - Text after the colon `:`.
	 * @param {string} [type=status] - Determine the font color of the status
	 * line, allowable values are: `status` (blue), `info` (green), `warn` (red),
	 * or `error` (bold red).
	Morebits.status = function Status(text, stat, type) {
		this.textRaw = text;
		this.text = Morebits.createHtml(text);
		this.type = type || 'status';
		if (stat) {
			this.update(stat, type);
	 * Specify an area for status message elements to be added to.
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {HTMLElement} root - Usually a div element.
	 * @throws If `root` is not an `HTMLElement`.
	Morebits.status.init = function(root) {
		if (!(root instanceof Element)) {
			throw new Error('object not an instance of Element');
		while (root.hasChildNodes()) {
		Morebits.status.root = root;
		Morebits.status.errorEvent = null;
	Morebits.status.root = null;
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {Function} handler - Function to execute on error.
	 * @throws When `handler` is not a function.
	Morebits.status.onError = function(handler) {
		if (typeof handler === 'function') {
			Morebits.status.errorEvent = handler;
		} else {
			throw 'Morebits.status.onError: handler is not a function';
	Morebits.status.prototype = {
		stat: null,
		statRaw: null,
		text: null,
		textRaw: null,
		type: 'status',
		target: null,
		node: null,
		linked: false,
		/** Add the status element node to the DOM. */
		link: function() {
			if (!this.linked && Morebits.status.root) {
				this.linked = true;
		/** Remove the status element node from the DOM. */
		unlink: function() {
			if (this.linked) {
				this.linked = false;
		 * Update the status.
		 * @param {string} status - Part of status message after colon.
		 * @param {string} type - 'status' (blue), 'info' (green), 'warn'
		 * (red), or 'error' (bold red).
		update: function(status, type) {
			this.statRaw = status;
			this.stat = Morebits.createHtml(status);
			if (type) {
				this.type = type;
				if (type === 'error') {
					// hack to force the page not to reload when an error is output - see also Morebits.status() above = 1000;
					// call error callback
					if (Morebits.status.errorEvent) {
					// also log error messages in the browser console
					console.error(this.textRaw + ': ' + this.statRaw); // eslint-disable-line no-console
		/** Produce the html for first part of the status message. */
		generate: function() {
			this.node = document.createElement('div');
			this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span')).appendChild(document.createTextNode(': ')); = this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));'')); // dummy node
		/** Complete the html, for the second part of the status message. */
		render: function() {
			this.node.className = 'morebits_status_' + this.type;
			while ( {;
		status: function(status) {
			this.update(status, 'status');
		info: function(status) {
			this.update(status, 'info');
		warn: function(status) {
			this.update(status, 'warn');
		error: function(status) {
			this.update(status, 'error');
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {string} text - Before colon
	 * @param {string} status - After colon
	 * @returns {Morebits.status} - `status`-type (blue)
	Morebits.status.status = function(text, status) {
		return new Morebits.status(text, status);
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {string} text - Before colon
	 * @param {string} status - After colon
	 * @returns {Morebits.status} - `info`-type (green)
	 */ = function(text, status) {
		return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'info');
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {string} text - Before colon
	 * @param {string} status - After colon
	 * @returns {Morebits.status} - `warn`-type (red)
	Morebits.status.warn = function(text, status) {
		return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'warn');
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {string} text - Before colon
	 * @param {string} status - After colon
	 * @returns {Morebits.status} - `error`-type (bold red)
	Morebits.status.error = function(text, status) {
		return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'error');
	 * For the action complete message at the end, create a status line without
	 * a colon separator.
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {string} text
	Morebits.status.actionCompleted = function(text) {
		var node = document.createElement('div');
		node.className = 'morebits_status_info morebits_action_complete';
		if (Morebits.status.root) {
	 * Display the user's rationale, comments, etc. Back to them after a failure,
	 * so that they may re-use it.
	 * @memberof Morebits.status
	 * @param {string} comments
	 * @param {string} message
	Morebits.status.printUserText = function(comments, message) {
		var p = document.createElement('p');
		p.innerHTML = message;
		var div = document.createElement('div');
		div.className = 'morebits-usertext'; = '0'; = 'pre-wrap';
		div.textContent = comments;
	 * Simple helper function to create a simple node.
	 * @param {string} type - Type of HTML element.
	 * @param {string} content - Text content.
	 * @param {string} [color] - Font color.
	 * @returns {HTMLElement}
	Morebits.htmlNode = function (type, content, color) {
		var node = document.createElement(type);
		if (color) { = color;
		return node;
	 * Add shift-click support for checkboxes. The wikibits version
	 * (`window.addCheckboxClickHandlers`) has some restrictions, and doesn't work
	 * with checkboxes inside a sortable table, so let's build our own.
	 * @param jQuerySelector
	 * @param jQueryContext
	Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport = function (jQuerySelector, jQueryContext) {
		var lastCheckbox = null;
		function clickHandler(event) {
			var thisCb = this;
			if (event.shiftKey && lastCheckbox !== null) {
				var cbs = $(jQuerySelector, jQueryContext); // can't cache them, obviously, if we want to support resorting
				var index = -1, lastIndex = -1, i;
				for (i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) {
					if (cbs[i] === thisCb) {
						index = i;
						if (lastIndex > -1) {
					if (cbs[i] === lastCheckbox) {
						lastIndex = i;
						if (index > -1) {
				if (index > -1 && lastIndex > -1) {
					// inspired by wikibits
					var endState = thisCb.checked;
					var start, finish;
					if (index < lastIndex) {
						start = index + 1;
						finish = lastIndex;
					} else {
						start = lastIndex;
						finish = index - 1;
					for (i = start; i <= finish; i++) {
						if (cbs[i].checked !== endState) {
			lastCheckbox = thisCb;
			return true;
		$(jQuerySelector, jQueryContext).click(clickHandler);
	/* **************** Morebits.batchOperation **************** */
	 * Iterates over a group of pages (or arbitrary objects) and executes a worker function
	 * for each.
	 * `setPageList(pageList)`: Sets the list of pages to work on. It should be an
	 * array of page names strings.
	 * `setOption(optionName, optionValue)`: Sets a known option:
	 * - `chunkSize` (integer): The size of chunks to break the array into (default
	 * 50). Setting this to a small value (<5) can cause problems.
	 * - `preserveIndividualStatusLines` (boolean): Keep each page's status element
	 * visible when worker is complete? See note below.
	 * `run(worker, postFinish)`: Runs the callback `worker` for each page in the
	 * list.  The callback must call `workerSuccess` when succeeding, or
	 * `workerFailure` when failing.  If using {@link} or
	 * {@link}, this is easily done by passing these two
	 * functions as parameters to the methods on those objects: for instance,
	 * `, batchOp.workerFailure)`.  Make sure the
	 * methods are called directly if special success/failure cases arise.  If you
	 * omit to call these methods, the batch operation will stall after the first
	 * chunk!  Also ensure that either workerSuccess or workerFailure is called no
	 * more than once.  The second callback `postFinish` is executed when the
	 * entire batch has been processed.
	 * If using `preserveIndividualStatusLines`, you should try to ensure that the
	 * `workerSuccess` callback has access to the page title.  This is no problem for
	 * {@link} objects.  But when using the API, please set the
	 * |pageName| property on the {@link} object.
	 * There are sample batchOperation implementations using in
	 * twinklebatchdelete.js, twinklebatchundelete.js, and twinklebatchprotect.js.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} [currentAction]
	Morebits.batchOperation = function(currentAction) {
		var ctx = {
			// backing fields for public properties
			pageList: null,
			options: {
				chunkSize: 50,
				preserveIndividualStatusLines: false
			// internal counters, etc.
			statusElement: new Morebits.status(currentAction || wgULS('执行批量操作', '執行批次操作')),
			worker: null, // function that executes for each item in pageList
			postFinish: null, // function that executes when the whole batch has been processed
			countStarted: 0,
			countFinished: 0,
			countFinishedSuccess: 0,
			currentChunkIndex: -1,
			pageChunks: [],
			running: false
		// shouldn't be needed by external users, but provided anyway for maximum flexibility
		this.getStatusElement = function() {
			return ctx.statusElement;
		 * Sets the list of pages to work on.
		 * @param {Array} pageList - Array of objects over which you wish to execute the worker function
		 * This is usually the list of page names (strings).
		this.setPageList = function(pageList) {
			ctx.pageList = pageList;
		 * Sets a known option.
		 * @param {string} optionName - Name of the option:
		 * - chunkSize (integer): The size of chunks to break the array into
		 * (default 50). Setting this to a small value (<5) can cause problems.
		 * - preserveIndividualStatusLines (boolean): Keep each page's status
		 * element visible when worker is complete?
		 * @param {number|boolean} optionValue - Value to which the option is
		 * to be set. Should be an integer for chunkSize and a boolean for
		 * preserveIndividualStatusLines.
		this.setOption = function(optionName, optionValue) {
			ctx.options[optionName] = optionValue;
		 * Runs the first callback for each page in the list.
		 * The callback must call workerSuccess when succeeding, or workerFailure when failing.
		 * Runs the optional second callback when the whole batch has been processed.
		 * @param {Function} worker
		 * @param {Function} [postFinish]
		 */ = function(worker, postFinish) {
			if (ctx.running) {
				ctx.statusElement.error(wgULS('批量操作已在运行', '批次操作已在執行'));
			ctx.running = true;
			ctx.worker = worker;
			ctx.postFinish = postFinish;
			ctx.countStarted = 0;
			ctx.countFinished = 0;
			ctx.countFinishedSuccess = 0;
			ctx.currentChunkIndex = -1;
			ctx.pageChunks = [];
			var total = ctx.pageList.length;
			if (!total) {'没有指定页面', '沒有指定頁面'));
				ctx.running = false;
				if (ctx.postFinish) {
			// chunk page list into more manageable units
			ctx.pageChunks = Morebits.array.chunk(ctx.pageList, ctx.options.chunkSize);
			// start the process;
		 * To be called by worker before it terminates successfully.
		 * @param {(||string)} arg -
		 * This should be the `` or `` object used by worker
		 * (for the adjustment of status lines emitted by them).
		 * If no* object is used (e.g. you're using `mw.Api()` or something else), and
		 * `preserveIndividualStatusLines` option is on, give the page name (string) as argument.
		this.workerSuccess = function(arg) {
			if (arg instanceof || arg instanceof {
				// update or remove status line
				var statelem = arg.getStatusElement();
				if (ctx.options.preserveIndividualStatusLines) {
					if (arg.getPageName || arg.pageName || (arg.query && arg.query.title)) {
						// we know the page title - display a relevant message
						var pageName = arg.getPageName ? arg.getPageName() : arg.pageName || arg.query.title;'完成([[' + pageName + ']])');
					} else {
						// we don't know the page title - just display a generic message'完成');
				} else {
					// remove the status line automatically produced by*
			} else if (typeof arg === 'string' && ctx.options.preserveIndividualStatusLines) {
				new Morebits.status(arg, '完成([[' + arg + ']])');
		this.workerFailure = function() {
		// private functions
		var thisProxy = this;
		var fnStartNewChunk = function() {
			var chunk = ctx.pageChunks[++ctx.currentChunkIndex];
			if (!chunk) {
				return;  // done! yay
			// start workers for the current chunk
			ctx.countStarted += chunk.length;
			chunk.forEach(function(page) {
				ctx.worker(page, thisProxy);
		var fnDoneOne = function() {
			// update overall status line
			var total = ctx.pageList.length;
			if (ctx.countFinished < total) {
				var progress = Math.round(100 * ctx.countFinished / total);
				ctx.statusElement.status(progress + '%');
				// start a new chunk if we're close enough to the end of the previous chunk, and
				// we haven't already started the next one
				if (ctx.countFinished >= (ctx.countStarted - Math.max(ctx.options.chunkSize / 10, 2)) &&
					Math.floor(ctx.countFinished / ctx.options.chunkSize) > ctx.currentChunkIndex) {
			} else if (ctx.countFinished === total) {
				var statusString = '完成(' + ctx.countFinishedSuccess +
					'/' + ctx.countFinished + '操作成功完成)';
				if (ctx.countFinishedSuccess < ctx.countFinished) {
				} else {;
				if (ctx.postFinish) {
				ctx.running = false;
			} else {
				// ctx.countFinished > total
				// just for giggles! (well, serious debugging, actually)
				ctx.statusElement.warn(wgULS('完成(多执行了', '完成(多執行了') + (ctx.countFinished - total) + '次)');;
				ctx.running = false;
	 * Given a set of asynchronous functions to run along with their dependencies,
	 * run them in an efficient sequence so that multiple functions
	 * that don't depend on each other are triggered simultaneously. Where
	 * dependencies exist, it ensures that the dependency functions finish running
	 * before the dependent function runs. The values resolved by the dependencies
	 * are made available to the dependant as arguments.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	Morebits.taskManager = function(context) {
		this.taskDependencyMap = new Map();
		this.failureCallbackMap = new Map();
		this.deferreds = new Map();
		this.allDeferreds = []; // Hack: IE doesn't support Map.prototype.values
		this.context = context || window;
		 * Register a task along with its dependencies (tasks which should have finished
		 * execution before we can begin this one). Each task is a function that must return
		 * a promise. The function will get the values resolved by the dependency functions
		 * as arguments.
		 * @param {Function} func - A task.
		 * @param {Function[]} deps - Its dependencies.
		 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - a failure callback that's run if the task or any one
		 * of its dependencies fail.
		this.add = function(func, deps, onFailure) {
			this.taskDependencyMap.set(func, deps);
			this.failureCallbackMap.set(func, onFailure || function() {});
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			this.deferreds.set(func, deferred);
		 * Run all the tasks. Multiple tasks may be run at once.
		 * @returns {jQuery.Promise} - Resolved if all tasks succeed, rejected otherwise.
		this.execute = function() {
			var self = this; // proxy for `this` for use inside functions where `this` is something else
			this.taskDependencyMap.forEach(function(deps, task) {
				var dependencyPromisesArray = {
					return self.deferreds.get(dep);
				$.when.apply(self.context, dependencyPromisesArray).then(function() {
					var result = task.apply(self.context, arguments);
					if (result === undefined) { // maybe the function threw, or it didn't return anything
						mw.log.error('Morebits.taskManager: task returned undefined');
						self.deferreds.get(task).reject.apply(self.context, arguments);
						self.failureCallbackMap.get(task).apply(self.context, []);
					result.then(function() {
						self.deferreds.get(task).resolve.apply(self.context, arguments);
					}, function() { // task failed
						self.deferreds.get(task).reject.apply(self.context, arguments);
						self.failureCallbackMap.get(task).apply(self.context, arguments);
				}, function() { // one or more of the dependencies failed
					self.failureCallbackMap.get(task).apply(self.context, arguments);
			return $.when.apply(null, this.allDeferreds); // resolved when everything is done!
	 * A simple draggable window, now a wrapper for jQuery UI's dialog feature.
	 * @memberof Morebits
	 * @class
	 * @requires jquery.ui.dialog
	 * @param {number} width
	 * @param {number} height - The maximum allowable height for the content area.
	Morebits.simpleWindow = function SimpleWindow(width, height) {
		var content = document.createElement('div');
		this.content = content;
		content.className = 'morebits-dialog-content'; = 'morebits-dialog-content-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e15);
		this.height = height;
			autoOpen: false,
			buttons: { 'Placeholder button': function() {} },
			dialogClass: 'morebits-dialog',
			width: Math.min(parseInt(window.innerWidth, 10), parseInt(width ? width : 800, 10)),
			// give jQuery the given height value (which represents the anticipated height of the dialog) here, so
			// it can position the dialog appropriately
			// the 20 pixels represents adjustment for the extra height of the jQuery dialog "chrome", compared
			// to that of the old SimpleWindow
			height: height + 20,
			close: function(event) {
				// dialogs and their content can be destroyed once closed
			resizeStart: function() {
				this.scrollbox = $(this).find('.morebits-scrollbox')[0];
				if (this.scrollbox) { = 'none';
			resizeStop: function() {
				this.scrollbox = null;
			resize: function() { = '';
				if (this.scrollbox) { = '';
		var $widget = $(this.content).dialog('widget');
		// delete the placeholder button (it's only there so the buttonpane gets created)
		$widget.find('button').each(function(key, value) {
		// add container for the buttons we add, and the footer links (if any)
		var buttonspan = document.createElement('span');
		buttonspan.className = 'morebits-dialog-buttons';
		var linksspan = document.createElement('span');
		linksspan.className = 'morebits-dialog-footerlinks';
		$widget.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').append(buttonspan, linksspan);
		// resize the scrollbox with the dialog, if one is present
		$widget.resizable('option', 'alsoResize', '#' + + ' .morebits-scrollbox, #' +;
	Morebits.simpleWindow.prototype = {
		buttons: [],
		height: 600,
		hasFooterLinks: false,
		scriptName: null,
		 * Focuses the dialog. This might work, or on the contrary, it might not.
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		focus: function() {
			return this;
		 * Closes the dialog. If this is set as an event handler, it will stop the event
		 * from doing anything more.
		 * @param {event} [event]
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		close: function(event) {
			if (event) {
			return this;
		 * Shows the dialog. Calling display() on a dialog that has previously been closed
		 * might work, but it is not guaranteed.
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		display: function() {
			if (this.scriptName) {
				var $widget = $(this.content).dialog('widget');
				var scriptnamespan = document.createElement('span');
				scriptnamespan.className = 'morebits-dialog-scriptname';
				scriptnamespan.textContent = this.scriptName + ' \u00B7 ';  // U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT = &middot;
			var dialog = $(this.content).dialog('open');
			if (window.setupTooltips && && && {  // tie in with NAVPOP
				dialog.parent()[0].ranSetupTooltipsAlready = false;
			this.setHeight(this.height);  // init height algorithm
			return this;
		 * Sets the dialog title.
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		setTitle: function(title) {
			$(this.content).dialog('option', 'title', title);
			return this;
		 * Sets the script name, appearing as a prefix to the title to help users determine which
		 * user script is producing which dialog. For instance, Twinkle modules set this to "Twinkle".
		 * @param {string} name
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		setScriptName: function(name) {
			this.scriptName = name;
			return this;
		 * Sets the dialog width.
		 * @param {number} width
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		setWidth: function(width) {
			$(this.content).dialog('option', 'width', width);
			return this;
		 * Sets the dialog's maximum height. The dialog will auto-size to fit its contents,
		 * but the content area will grow no larger than the height given here.
		 * @param {number} height
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		setHeight: function(height) {
			this.height = height;
			// from display time onwards, let the browser determine the optimum height,
			// and instead limit the height at the given value
			// note that the given height will exclude the approx. 20px that the jQuery UI
			// chrome has in height in addition to the height of an equivalent "classic"
			// Morebits.simpleWindow
			if (parseInt(getComputedStyle($(this.content).dialog('widget')[0], null).height, 10) > window.innerHeight) {
				$(this.content).dialog('option', 'height', window.innerHeight - 2).dialog('option', 'position', 'top');
			} else {
				$(this.content).dialog('option', 'height', 'auto');
			$(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-content')[0].style.maxHeight = parseInt(this.height - 30, 10) + 'px';
			return this;
		 * Sets the content of the dialog to the given element node, usually from rendering
		 * a {@link Morebits.quickForm}.
		 * Re-enumerates the footer buttons, but leaves the footer links as they are.
		 * Be sure to call this at least once before the dialog is displayed...
		 * @param {HTMLElement} content
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		setContent: function(content) {
			return this;
		 * Adds the given element node to the dialog content.
		 * @param {HTMLElement} content
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		addContent: function(content) {
			// look for submit buttons in the content, hide them, and add a proxy button to the button pane
			var thisproxy = this;
			$(this.content).find('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]').each(function(key, value) { = 'none';
				var button = document.createElement('button');
				if (value.hasAttribute('value')) {
					button.textContent = value.getAttribute('value');
				} else if (value.textContent) {
					button.textContent = value.textContent;
				} else {
					button.textContent = '提交';
				button.className = value.className || 'submitButtonProxy';
				// here is an instance of cheap coding, probably a memory-usage hit in using a closure here
				button.addEventListener('click', function() {;
				}, false);
			// remove all buttons from the button pane and re-add them
			if (this.buttons.length > 0) {
			} else {
				$(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-buttons')[0].setAttribute('data-empty', 'data-empty');  // used by CSS
			return this;
		 * Removes all contents from the dialog, barring any footer links.
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		purgeContent: function() {
			this.buttons = [];
			// delete all buttons in the buttonpane
			while (this.content.hasChildNodes()) {
			return this;
		 * Adds a link in the bottom-right corner of the dialog.
		 * This can be used to provide help or policy links.
		 * For example, Twinkle's CSD module adds a link to the CSD policy page,
		 * as well as a link to Twinkle's documentation.
		 * @param {string} text - Display text.
		 * @param {string} wikiPage - Link target.
		 * @param {boolean} [prep=false] - Set true to prepend rather than append.
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		addFooterLink: function(text, wikiPage, prep) {
			var $footerlinks = $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-footerlinks');
			if (this.hasFooterLinks) {
				var bullet = document.createElement('span');
				bullet.textContent = ' \u2022 ';  // U+2022 BULLET
				if (prep) {
				} else {
			var link = document.createElement('a');
			link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(wikiPage));
			link.setAttribute('title', wikiPage);
			link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
			link.textContent = text;
			if (prep) {
			} else {
			this.hasFooterLinks = true;
			return this;
		 * Sets whether the window should be modal or not. Modal dialogs create
		 * an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements. This
		 * must be used (if necessary) before calling display().
		 * @param {boolean} [modal=false] - If set to true, other items on the
		 * page will be disabled, i.e., cannot be interacted with.
		 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
		setModality: function(modal) {
			$(this.content).dialog('option', 'modal', modal);
			return this;
	 * Enables or disables all footer buttons on all {@link Morebits.simpleWindow}s in the current page.
	 * This should be called with `false` when the button(s) become irrelevant (e.g. just before
	 * {@link Morebits.status.init} is called).
	 * This is not an instance method so that consumers don't have to keep a reference to the
	 * original `Morebits.simpleWindow` object sitting around somewhere. Anyway, most of the time
	 * there will only be one `Morebits.simpleWindow` open, so this shouldn't matter.
	 * @memberof Morebits.simpleWindow
	 * @param {boolean} enabled
	Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled = function(enabled) {
		$('.morebits-dialog-buttons button').prop('disabled', !enabled);
	}(window, document, jQuery)); // End wrap with anonymous function
	 * If this script is being executed outside a ResourceLoader context, we add some
	 * global assignments for legacy scripts, hopefully these can be removed down the line.
	 * Thanks.
	if (typeof arguments === 'undefined') {  // typeof is here for a reason...
		/* global Morebits */
		window.SimpleWindow = Morebits.simpleWindow;
		window.QuickForm = Morebits.quickForm;
		window.Wikipedia =;
		window.Status = Morebits.status;
	// </nowiki>